FAQ about Tuition and Fees is below.
Please check this page before you contact us.

How will the bank transfer paper be sent?

Payment Schedule for Fall Semester AY2023; Click Here

The Transfer paper will be "in principle" sent to the mailing address below;

・Daytime Course: Guarantors
・Evening Course: The mailing address you choose at the admission procedure(Students or Guarantors)
・International  Students/Graduate Students: Students
※If you have changed it before, it would not be applicable.

《Students enrolled in Spring Semester》
Students enrolled in Spring Semester AY2023 who made full(single) payment at the admission procedure do not need to pay tuition and fees for AY2023 anymore, so the transfer paper is not sent to you.
Students enrolled before AY2022 who made full(single) payment in Spring Semester AY2023 do not need to pay tuition and fees for AY2023 anymore, so the transfer paper is not sent to you.
Students enrolled in Spring Semester AY2023 who paid the total amount for AY2023 by two installments need to pay tuition and fees for Fall Semester AY2023, so you will receive the transfer paper in Fall Semester.
Students enrolled  before AY2022 who paid the total amount for AY2023 by two installments need to pay tuition and fees for Fall Semester AY2023, so you will receive the transfer paper in Fall Semester.

《Students enrolled in Fall Semester》
Students are permitted to choose between paying the entire amount when completing the admission procedure or paying the tuition, Facility fee, lab fee, and equipment fee in two installments per year.
If you choose the latter, you need to pay tuition and fees for Spring Semester AY2024 in AY2024.

We never send  the transfer paper after AY2024.
Click HERE for details about payment after AY2024. (Japanese Only)

By when should the payment be made? (AY2023)

Payment Schedule for Fall Semester AY2023; Click Here

I have lost the bank transfer paper. What should I do?

Please contact the office in charge of academic fees at your campus by email to get the paper reissued.

I haven't received the bank transfer paper. What should I do?

Please contact the office in charge of academic fees at your campus by email to get the paper reissued.
Please make sure to check below before you contact us.

・Please check the "Date of sending the transfer Paper(Estimated)"; Click Here.
 Depending on where you live, it may take two or three business days for the bank transfer paper to be delivered.
 Sending and delivery of the form may be delayed due to delays in mail service caused by unseasonable weather.
 Please wait for one week or so.
・Please make a communication with your family. Your family may have the transfer paper.
・Did you choose full payment at the first term*?
 If so, you do not receive the transfer paper at the second term*.
 *The first term: Spring Semester for students enrolled in Spring Semester, Fall Semester for students enrolled in Fall Semester
   The second term: Fall Semester for students enrolled in Spring Semester, Spring Semester for students enrolled in Spring Semester 

What should I do if I want to change the recipient of the bank transfer paper from my guarantor to me (or from me to my guarantor)?

Click Here for details.

I am thinking of taking a leave of absence/withdrawal. What amount of tuition and fees should I pay?

Click Here for details.

I cannot make the transfer within the regular payment period. What should I do?

If the transfer cannot be made within the regular payment period, a new bank transfer paper will be sent to all of those who have not made the payment.
Due to operational reasons at financial institutions, it is not possible to make a transfer with the bank transfer paper sent during the regular payment period.
Please use the new bank transfer paper, and make the payment within the extended payment period stated on the new form.
Click Here for details on the extended payment period.
Please note that payment after the extended payment period is not allowed.
The extended payment period for the fall semester is not available for students who have applied for Study Support System (修学支援新制度; Syuugaku-Shien-Shin-Seido).
If payment is not made by the designated date, the student will be dismissed based on the Academic Rules and Regulations.
If you cannot make the payment by the extended payment deadline, please contact the office in charge of student life at your campus by the deadline or, in the case of students who have applied for Study Support System (修学支援新制度; Syuugaku-Shien-Shin-Seido), by the regular payment deadline for the fall semester. 

Could I pay the first installment's amount by installments?/Could I change pay over a couple of days?

No, you can't.
Please check your transfer limit in advance, and increase it if your transfer limit is low.

Where should I contact for consultations and inquiries regarding tuition and fees (academic fees)?

Click Here for details.
Inquiry about Scholarship; Click Here.

Do I need an ID card when making a transfer at a financial institution? *current students

Regarding the payment of tuition and fees by bank transfer, it is no longer necessary to verify the identity of the person making the transfer
at the counter of a financial institution, such as a bank, from October 1, 2016, due to the revision of laws and regulations
set by the government, even if the transfer made at the counter exceeds 100,000 yen in cash.
However, you may need ID card by instructions of financial institutions considering recent situations. 

I am a 4th year undergraduate student, and I have to repeat (hold back) the fourth year. How should I pay?

If a 4th year undergraduate student repeats (hold back) the fourth year, you can choose payment in two installments. You cannot select full payment (payment for the spring and fall semesters together).

Please pay the amount on the bank transfer paper.

Whose address and name should I enter in in the “Sender” field of the bank transfer form?

Normally, please enter the address and name of the person who will actually perform the procedure at the counter of the financial institution. Even if the name of the guarantor is entered in the "Sender" column, the student's name printed in the red frame is sent to the university.

Can I get a certificate regarding tuition and fees (academic fees) issued?

Click Here for details.

Is it possible to make a bank transfer through Japan Post Bank, JA Bank or JF Marine Bank?

Please follow the instructions of the bank clerk.
It is necessary to enter the necessary information on the form specified by Japan Post Bank, JA Bank or JF Marine Bank.

Is it possible to make a bank transfer through ATM or Internet banking?

Yes, it is possible. However, please make sure to accurately enter the information printed in the red frame on the bank transfer form mailed to you.
If there is any incorrect information, the tuition and fees you have paid may received as having been paid by another student. Please use the service at your own risk.

I was not able to make a bank transfer through Pay-easy.  What should I do?

Depending on the contract of your bank account, there is an upper limit on the amount of money that can be transferred through Pay-easy per transfer or per day.
If the payment amount exceeds the upper limit, the transfer will not be possible. Please check the contract details yourself and carry out procedures to change the contract, such as raising the maximum amount, at the financial institution.
If you cannot make a transfer through Pay-easy, please make a transfer by other means.