Curtin = Toyo Joint Field Work Report

On 21 June 2024, fifteen students from Curtin University, Australia, an overseas academic exchange partner university, visited our university and conducted joint fieldwork on the theme of city walking.

A total of five groups, a mix of forty students from both universities, followed their own designated routes to explore the Yanesen area (Yanaka, Nezu, Sendagi), known as one of Tokyo's downtown areas, near the Hakusan campus.

We walked the streets to feel the nostalgic landscape of Japan and to look for various local resources and things associated with them. Unfortunately, it was raining, and although the fieldwork was supposed to be a bit depressing, we were able to experience and enjoy walking in rainy Japan, and the Curtin University students always looked bright and cheerful despite the weather. When we came back from our fieldwork, we were all together as a group having got to know each other and were able to prepare and deliver our presentations smoothly. During the presentations, each group presented an interesting topic focusing on different parts of the country, such as food, roads and even colours. 

Cultural exchange opportunities provide us with valuable experiences. By deepening our friendship with students from different cultural backgrounds, especially this time from multi-ethnic Australia, we were able to learn a lot about values and culture. We also learned that we need to know more about Japan.

We hope that this programme, in which we were able to convey the charm of the region and the beauty of Japan, will remain as a memory for the students of Curtin University.

Towa OKA

3rd year student, Department of Regional Development Studies

  It was a really good opportunity for me to learn about local resources in YANESEN Area. We walked around YANESEN Area, which is near Toyo University, with students from Curtin University in Australia on 21 June. Before that day, Toyo students did pre-fieldwork to think about where we will visit and what is the points of this area or something. However, on the day we had fieldwork with Curtin University students, the weather was not good, a heavy rainy day, so we couldn't complete the schedule we wanted to go. Although the weather was not the best, we enjoyed it. Thanks to the rain, I was able to introduce them to the word 'tsuyu', the Japanese rainy season. In this fieldwork we focused on well-being, living environment, culture, community and sustainability. 

  We did the fieldwork for about 2 hours and did the presentation depending on the groups. I think this fieldwork was more meaningful because the Toyo students shared their opinions as people living in Japan and the Curtin students compared their opinions as Australians.

We just met in the morning, did the programme and said goodbye. I can't believe it was all in one day. Of course this is a good experience to do something with students from other country, but also I had an opportunity to learn about local area as a Toyo student.  YANESEN area has a long history and we have to protect it. I'm happy to share it with Curtin students. I would like to thank all the people joining this program for giving this opportunity.


3rd year student, Department of Regional Development Studies



 執筆者 国際地域学科三年 岡 翔和






執筆者 国際地域学科3年 鈴木悠咲