
留学形態:ISEP (全学協定校留学)


私は高校生の時に、アメリカオレゴン州の現地校に1年間留学をしていたので、米国以外の国に留学したいと思いました。もともと韓国の歴史や文化に興味もありましたし、K-popや韓国ドラマが大好きで独学で韓国語の勉強もしていたので、韓国に留学することを決めました。自分が希望する大学に留学ができるよう、韓国語検定試験やIELTS、TOEFL iBTなどを受験し、英語4技能の勉学に力を入れました。正直授業の課題や英語と韓国語を同時に学ぶのは大変でしたし、英語のスコアも伸びなくて悩んだりもしましたが、その都度GINOSスタジオに通い、ティーチングアシスタントさんに相談したり、スピーキングやライティングを学びながらスコアを上げ、自分が希望する漢陽大学に留学することができました。自分に合った勉強法を見つけることも、とても大切だと思います。








I wore Korean traditional cloth and went to Gyeongbokgung palace with my friends. 

Name: Rimi Kanaya
Type of Study Abroad: ISEP (University-wide study abroad agreement)
Destination: Hanyang University (Korea)
Period: August 2022 ~ June 2023

【Preparation for studying abroad】

When I was a high school student, I studied abroad for a year at a high school in Oregon state, America, so I wanted to study abroad in different countries. I've always been interested in Korean history and culture, K-pop and Korean dramas, so I started to study Korean on my own. This made me to think that I want to study abroad in South Korea. In order to go to the university that I want, I focused on studying Korean and English such as the Korean Language Proficiency Test, IELTS, and TOEFL iBT. To be honest, it was difficult for me to study both English and Korean at the same time because I also had class assignments, and I was worrying about my English score would not improve. To deal with that, I went to GINOS studio almost every day and teaching assistants helped me a lot to develop my whole English abilities.

【During studying abroad】

Regarding life in Korea, all the food in Korea is very delicious. Compared to before, the price of food has become more expensive, but compared to Europe and the United States, they are still cheap, so I can eat delicious Korean food for just one coin at school cafeterias. Also, there are many Japanese restaurants in Seoul, I did not have any problem with food at all. I lived in a student dormitory in front of the university. The dormitory where I live is very international, and there are international students from various countries such as the United States, Europe, and Ecuador. There was a welcome party at my dormitory, and I was easily able to make friends with everyone. While I had to communicate with my friends in English, I realized once again that studying English is important, and at the same time, I strongly felt that communication skills are also necessary.

【University life in Hanyang university】

As for my university life, since I am in the international department, all classes are conducted in English. First of all, it is very difficult to register for classes at Hanyang university. Unlike universities in Japan, popular classes fill up within seconds, so I was very nervous when I was registering for classes. During the fall semester, I took classes in the international department in the morning and Korean classes in the afternoon for four hours every day on weekdays. All the students I met in the class had different perspectives and various values since they were from different counties or lived in other counties so that I was so stimulated by them in a positive way.
Since I had many opportunities to give presentations in class, I was gradually able to express my opinions in front of others. There were a lot of group works, and the level was very high, but we all worked together and shared ideas to succeed in our group work. Also, the Korean class was conducted for only international students, so I was able to learn not only Korean but also other cultures. When I gave a presentation in Korean for group work, I had a hard time because of the language barrier, but all of my group members helped each other and got through it. I also went to a Korean traditional village as a part of a Korean class with my teacher and friends. It was a great chance for me to learn new things about Korean culture and to experience how Korean people lived in the past.

【The things I felt while studying abroad】

During my life as an exchange student in Korea, I met a lot of amazing people, professors and classmates and talked about a lot of things that I did not know. By communicating with people, I felt that my perspective has broadened because I could deeply understand not only my own personality but also the different ways of thinking at an individual and international level. While studying abroad, I felt the importance of connecting with people. I also realized that not only studying English but also communication skills and life skills are important to succeed in studying aboard life. Since I only have one month until going back to Japan, so I will do my best to improve myself and learn a lot from others and spend a great time with my friends.