
氏名:福地 美風



留学期間: 2022年9月〜2023年6月








ポーランドで生活するにあたって不安なのは、やはり言語の壁でした。英語を話せる人がどの程度いるか分からなかったからです。現地で生活をしていて受けた印象としては、学生や若い方は英語を話せる方が多く、スーパーやレストランでの買い物は不自由なくできました。冬は暗くなるのも早く、かなり寒かったです。逆に夏は日が長く、緑やお花が増えて街がとても可愛かったです。クラクフにはお城や川、湖があって、学校がない日は友達とゆったりとした時間を過ごすことができました。大学では、授業が始まる一週間前からintegration weekという期間を設けてくれていて、毎日、フードツアーや観光、ゲームなどのアクティビティがありました。友達ができるか不安でしたが、そこでイベントを通して友達ができました。その週の最後にはキャンプがあり、とても楽しかったです。また、バディ制度もあり、同じ大学のポーランドの学生が留学生それぞれに割り当てられて、ポーランドのことや学校のことを聞くことができました。わたしとバディは同じ授業等を受講することはありませんでしたが、定期的に連絡をとり観光をしたり一緒にご飯に行ったりしました。大学の授業は大体の授業が講義とワークショップに分かれていて、講義では基本的に先生の講義を聞くことがメインで、ワークショップは他の学生とのグループワークやディスカッションなどがありました。多くの生徒は自分の意見をしっかりと持っていて、とても刺激を受けました。





Last party with friends from Germany, Hong Kong, and Korea at their dormitory

Name: Mikaze Fukuchi

Type of Study Abroad: Exchange (Undergraduate Study Abroad)

Destination: Krakow University of Economics (Poland)

Period: September 2022~June 2023

【Preparation for studying abroad】

When I was in high school, I had been to Canada for a short study abroad, so I wanted to go to a completely different place, which is why I chose Poland. I chose Poland because I’ve heard the cost of living is not that high and it’s safe to live in Poland compared to other European countries. Another reason was that it had good access to other countries, and that I knew almost nothing about Poland, so I wanted to know what it was like.

Regarding preparations, because the acceptance letter arrived late and it took time to decide on a place to stay, I ended up applying for a visa quite last minute. I rushed to the embassy, and I think I was able to obtain the visa in about two weeks. I think it will not have stated without the acceptance letter, but I recommend doing things like finding a place to stay well in advance. Unfortunately, the Cracow University of Economics didn't offer university dorms for international students, so I had to decide on a place to live by myself. This housing search was quite challenging. I personally chose a shared flat rather than a student dormitory, considering the cost and other factors. Also, I think it's better to learn some Polish before going, but I knew almost nothing except for greetings when I arrived.


【Life in Poland】

The biggest concern about living in Poland was definitely the language barrier. I didn't know how many people spoke English. My impression after living there was that many students and young people could speak English, and I could shop at supermarkets and restaurants without much difficulty. Winters got dark early and were quite cold. On the other hand, summers had long days, with more greenery and flowers, making the city very charming. Krakow had a castle, a river, and a lake, so on days when there was no school, I could spend leisurely time with friends. At the university, they provided an integration week starting a week before classes began, with activities like food tours, sightseeing, games, etc. I was worried about making friends, but I made friends through these events. During that week, there was a camp at the end, and it was a lot of fun. There was also a buddy system, where Polish students from the same university were assigned to each international student, and I could ask them about Poland and the university. My buddy and I didn't have the same classes, but we kept in touch regularly, went sightseeing together, and had meals together. University classes were mostly divided into lectures and workshops. In lectures, the main focus was on listening to the teacher's lecture, while workshops involved group work and discussions with other students. Many students had strong opinions, and I was very inspired.


【The things I felt in Poland】

Through this study abroad experience, I've learned about Poland, the world, myself, and even Japan. There were many things I wouldn't have noticed if I had always been in Japan, and I realized the importance of expressing my own opinions in communication, rather than just expecting others to understand what I'm thinking. Also, I'm very happy to have found Poland as my favorite place.