
氏名:松永 真弥






初めてIELTSを受験したのは、大学1年の春学期(6月)でした。希望スコアを取得する為、東洋大学の国際教育センターが主催の放課後のIELTS講座と夏期講座を受講しました。英語4技能(ライティング、リーディング、リスニング、スピーキング)のうち自分の得意不得意を特定し、どんな問題に弱いのか、どこが改善できるのかを分析しました。語学試験はパターンと傾向があるのでどのような問題が出題されるのかを把握し、計画を立てて受験することで技能は少しずつよくなっていったと思います。とにかく毎日英語に触れることを意識して、TED Talksというプレゼンテーションプログラムを視聴したり、グローバル・イノベーション学科の授業内で積極的にディスカッションやプレゼンテーションに参加しました。私は余裕があるとなまけがちな性格をしているので、留学生がほとんどの割合を占める少し難しめの授業をあえて選択するなど自身を逆境に置き、「頑張らざるを得ない環境に身を置く」ことを意識しました。また勉強するだけでなく、自分の技能レベルを確認するためにもIELTSは機会があれば複数回受験しました。また、TOEICの試験も受ける機会があり、スピーキング力がほかの技能より劣っている私にとってはリスニング・リーディングのみで結果が出ることが優位に働き、奨学金のアプライに使用できるスコアを取得できたので、自分に合った語学試験を選択することも大切だと思います。








ボストン大学は、大きなキャンパスが一つあるわけではないです。長い道路に沿って数々のキャンパスが点在しており、縦に長いユニークなスタイルです。プールやジム、体育館がある運動施設やフードコート、大きなアリーナなど施設は非常に充実しています。滞在先はオフキャンパス(手続きは大学外部とすべて自身で行う)、もしくはオンキャンパス(大学が所有する寮)から選べます。渡航前に何人部屋がいいかなどの簡単なアンケートがとられますが、具体的な寮の情報は渡航1週間前にわかるなどプロセスが非常に遅いのと、必ずしも希望が通るわけではありません。私は1人部屋を希望しましたが最初4人部屋に配属されました。その後ルームメイトとトラブルがありハウジングに相談したところ1人部屋に空きがあったので渡航1か月後からは1人部屋に居住しています。寮から大学までは徒歩15分くらいですが、無料の大学シャトルバス、路面電車、シティバイクなど交通も発達しているのでとても便利です。ダウンタウンには電車に乗れば30分で行けます。ただ、ボストンはアメリカの中でも物価が高く、レストランやカフェなどに行く際は日本の2-3倍以上値段がします。寮に住む場合、ミールプランを必ずつけなければいけません。私は週に14食のプランを購入しています。外食を控えたい場合は学食でしっかり食事をします。学食は4つキャンパスにありどれも大規模でビュッフェ形式です。安全面ではホームレスがファストフード店の前やダウンタウンの前に見られますが、特別危険な経験をしたことはありません。もちろん夜に一人で出歩くなどは控えるのがいいと思いますが、人目に付く場所が多いためアメリカの中では安全な都市だと思います。健康面について、ボストンは非常に寒いので私はよく風邪をひいてしまいます。溶連菌にかかってしまったこともあり、一人部屋だと看病してくれる人もいないのでとても大変でした。ボストン大学はSHS(Student Health Service)という保健室兼医務室のような施設があり、オンラインで予約をすれば即日で診察、薬の処方を行ってくれます。保険でカバーされ、診療は無料、薬は種類によって無料になったり、減額されます。




I went to watch the Boston Celtics game with my friends. Everyone in the venue went wild! Sports are so popular in Boston.

Name: Maya Matsunaga

Type of Study Abroad: Exchange(University-wide study abroad agreement)

Destination: Boston University (U.S.A.)

Period: August 2022 ~ May 2023 

Before the program

【Preparation for language proficiency exams】

I took the IELTS test for the first time in the spring semester when I was a freshman. In order to get my ideal score, I applied for the IELTS courses organized by Toyo University. I identified my strengths and weaknesses in writing, reading, listening, and speaking and analyzed what my weaknesses were and where I could improve. Since there are patterns and trends in IELTS questions, I was able to gradually improve my skills by picking up those patterns. I tried to expose myself to an English environment every single day by actively participating in discussions and presentations in the classes and watching movies or presentation programs such as Ted Talks in English. Since I tend to be lazy and waste my spare time, I put myself in an adverse situation by choosing classes that were a little difficult for me to try and put myself in an environment where I’d have to work really hard. In addition to these, I took the IELTS multiple times whenever I had the opportunity to check my skill level. I also had the opportunity to take the TOEIC exam, and since my speaking ability is inferior to other skills. The fact that I only needed to take the listening and reading sections gave me an advantage, as I was able to achieve a score high enough to make me eligible to apply for a scholarship. Therefore, it is also important to find the right exam where the score reflects your abilities because different tests have different tendencies. 

【Travel arrangement and course registration】

The sooner you start the process, the better. Since I was the first person from Toyo University to study at Boston University using the exchange program, I did not have enough information. Whenever I had a concern or a question that I wanted to ask, I immediately e-mailed the program manager of Boston University. It is important to clear all the concerns up before you fly. Registration forms must be submitted by e-mail before going to the states, but changes can be made even after classes have started. Flights tend to be more expensive if you do not purchase them in advance, therefore it is crucial to plan ahead. When I applied for the visa, I filled out the DS-160 form incorrectly and had to recreate it online. I wish I had carefully checked the paperwork or what to do to apply for a visa. 

For additional information, when travelling to the U.S. as an exchange student, getting vaccinated is mandatory in accordance with state and university regulations. Boston University has a health compliance policy that requires multiple vaccinations. If students do not meet the requirements, it is impossible for them to change the class schedule and cause some other issues, which can be very inconvenient. It is important to check the requirements and dates in advance. Some types of vaccines may require some days between doses.

During the program

【About the classes】

Boston University has multiple colleges. Metropolitan College, where I am studying offers a wide range of classes, and you can combine classes as you like. Students do not have to decide on a major and can take whatever they want. I have taken a wide range of classes including international business management, marketing, photography, history, website development, meditation, and swimming. Most of the classes are small with less than 20 students and are very interactive. Each class takes 2 hours and 45 minutes, which is longer than the class time at Toyo University. Assignments and exams are harder than I thought, but by studying daily, I do not think it will cause a big problem such as affecting my grade. 

【About the environment and student life】

Boston University's campus is very unique, with many campuses along a long road instead of one large campus. BU has various kinds of unique facilities, including an athletic facility with swimming pools, a sports gym, and large arenas. There are many other more, such as a food court, a theater, and so on. Students can choose to live off-campus or on-campus. Before arriving to the states, students will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire about how many people they would like to share a room with, but they will receive specific information about the dormitory one week before the arrival, so I can say the process is very slow. I requested a single room at first but was initially assigned to a shared room with 3 people. After that, I had a problem with my roommate and talked to housing about it. I luckily changed my room to a single room. It takes about 15 minutes to walk from my dorm to the university. The transportation is very convenient as well because there are free university shuttle buses, trains called “T”, and City Bikes called Blue Bikes. To go downtown, it takes only 30 minutes by train. However, Boston is one of the most expensive cities in the U.S., with prices at restaurants and cafes more than twice as expensive as in Japan. If you live in a dormitory, you must have a meal plan, so if you prefer not to eat out, you can eat enough at the school cafeteria. There are four cafeterias on campus, all of which are large and buffet-style. In terms of safety, homeless people can be seen in front of fast-food restaurants and in the downtown area, but I have not experienced any danger. Of course, it is a good idea to refrain from going out alone at night and always be careful, but I think it is a safe city in the U.S. compared to other states or areas. As for my health condition, Boston is very cold and I often catch colds. I once got strep throat, which was very difficult because there was no one to take care of me in a single room. Boston University has a facility called SHS (Student Health Service), which is like a health and medical office. If students make an appointment online, nurses will see them and prescribe medicine on the same day. Insurance covers the visit, medical care is free, and medications are free or reduced, depending on the type.

【About my changes】

I’ve had become more independent in how I live since I came to the states. Before coming here, I lived at my parents’ home and received daily support from my family. After beginning my life in Boston, I started to do my own laundry, cleaning and dealing with problems and issues. I also started making daily plans, while being busy with classes, assignments, and tests. I often do things on my own now, and the days go by very quickly. I sometimes feel lonely when I spend time alone doing assignments or studying, but it is a good opportunity for me to reflect on myself and I become more independent. Talking with friends from various backgrounds, I have learned about ideas and values that I would never have thought of if I had spent most of my time in Japan, and I have realized that I have a very wide range of options in my life and career. I have many friends who are graduate students, so they give me life lessons as my seniors, and I feel that my horizons and my world have broadened considerably. Living in the states has given me a strong sense of independence and responsibility, as it is an environment where you must clearly express your opinions and make choices. I am still having a hard time getting used to this culture gap sometimes, but I think I am growing as a person much more than before. Living abroad has also taught me how other countries see Japan. I sometimes reconfirm the attractiveness of the safety and ease of life in Japan but sometimes I and my friends discuss the downsides or aspects that need to be improved. These were very important discussions that allowed me to notice a lot of things I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed had I been in Japan. I think the experiences I’ve gained from studying abroad, including all these aspects, are making me a better person. 
