

留学形態: ISEP(全学協定校留学)

留学先:: アルフレッド大学(アメリカ)












My first tourist trip to attend a concert near Times Square with my university friends.

Name: Siddharth Sharma
Type of Study Abroad: ISEP (University-wide study abroad agreement)
Destination: Alfred University (U.S.A.)
Period: August 2022 ~ December 2022


I was given an opportunity to share my experience with GINOS students to share my Study Abroad Experience at Alfred University, New York. My experience would be exceptionally usual because I lived in Japan for a long time and joined Toyo University as an international student in 2020. I hope that sharing my experience with future GINOS students who plan to study abroad will help them challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zone and make full use of the opportunity to broaden their study abroad experience. 

 【Preparation for Study Abroad】

To prepare for studying abroad, I first needed a good IELTS score and a good GPA in order to apply to ISEP student exchange programs. I took the IELTS exam a year in advance before the exchange program. My favorite pastime was watching English movies and listening to various artists songs. In addition, in terms of speaking the language, I practice my conversation skills with professors at GINOS Department, which helped me to prepare for the IELTS exam.  

 【Pre-Departure Information】

Before the departure, balancing the classes and preparations for study abroad simultaneously was quite challenging because I had to be constantly communicated with the Education Affairs Office and the Center for Global Education and Exchange concerning in order to finish my pre-departure report and ongoing classes. The most challenging things I overcame were gathering all the necessary documents for my American Visa and registering for Dormitory and courses at the exchange program's university. If anyone were to ask for advice, get the DS-2019 form (The form will arrive early or mid-April) and apply for the visa as quickly as possible, and it will help to book the plane ticket soon for the departure. Also, take stomach medicines, antibiotics, and food items like Miso soup in case of emergency. As you go to another country for the first time, everything will be different, and a culture shock for you and the things you thought were common in Japan will not be common as you expect. I would say that always expect the unexpected in terms of experiences during your study abroad journey and challenge yourself at every chance and opportunity you can get. For instance, try to learn about the culture, and people, make new friends, try new exotic foods, participate in university events or join a club, etc.  

【Student Life and Campus】

In my case, when I arrived at Alfred University in New York, I was surprised beyond shock. Everything was completely different in terms of lifestyle, culture, food, people, and so on, compared to the lifestyle I used to have in Japan. It took me a couple of weeks to adjust to the lifestyle there. I still distinctly remember how the American university lifestyle drastically differs from the Japanese University Lifestyle. I learned how to share common bathrooms and common spaces with others, like dorm facilities like rooms, showers, kitchens, etc. To challenge myself or to get out of my comfort zone. I initially applied for a roommate, but I could not get one because of some mistake in the documents by the host university. Even though there was a setback, I talked to Residence life about finding me a roommate. They said I had to ask people whether they wanted to be my roommate. After some rejections, I found my awesome roommate James, who was also a business major at Alfred University. Ultimately, it was a good match for both of us because of our class schedule and major. 

The main highlight of my exchange program was the campus life and events held by the students. During orientation week, Alfred University was packed with a ton of events. Thanks to those events, I learned about the local community, professors, club, and organization, and I made friends with incoming new students on campus. My international student coordinator took us on the campus tour and introduced us to the campus facilities. My campus had two dining halls, two libraries, rugby fields, gymnasiums, and tennis courts. The campus was huge compared to the Japanese Universities, and they also had facilities for student's mental and physical health. In addition, mental advisors were for students' mental health and stress. After the semester started, I got to know many people from my classes and clubs. I was a member of the AU Chess club, Speech and debate society club, and International Student Association club. During the classes, all the students were expected to answer in every class, and if someone did not answer any questions or speak up, the professors would give no participation points to the students. In my experience, I have seen many Japanese students shy away from answering in classes, but in America, people expect you to speak up to be heard or to get your point of view across.

【Classes at Study Abroad Destination】

I took many exciting courses while studying abroad, like traditional and Digital Marketing, Accounting, Business perspectives, etc. In my business perspective class, a new guest speaker gave us many life lessons every week. Some of the lessons I learned in that class stuck with me. For instance, "it's not what happens; it's how you respond to what happens." Even if you face any bad situation, the important thing is that you do not give up and face the problem fearlessly. Price is what you pay, but the value is what you get, and so on. In my Marketing class, we had many group presentations and a final group project in which I had to speak my mind to pitch some ideas. And it was my favorite class out of all.  

Apart from classes, I also did a lot of extracurricular activities. I took a job as a note-taker to help students with my MKTG311 Digital marketing class by uploading notes after class in the Alfred's University Center for Academic Success Digital Cloud. Every Tuesday, I participated in a Leadership training program at Hudson Leadership center at Alfred to learn how to be a good leader in every aspect of life by getting to know myself first through that program. 

I also started going to the gym with my dormitory residence assistant, and we became good friends. After studying and working out, I spend time with my friends at Dormitory. We usually talk about our day and then watch a movie together. Some of my friends asked to be a member of the Radio Club called 'WALF,' supervised by the students. They also asked me to be the guest speaker once for their podcast, in which I talked about my experiences in India, Japan, and America.  

【The New Landscape Beyond】

The study abroad experience in New York was one the best and one of the most important experiences of my life that I still hold close to my heart. This experience changed me as an individual on so many levels. I became extroverted, self-reliant, confident, ambitious, kind, open-minded, a great communicator, and more friendly. I was able to make good relationships not only with students but also with the kind professors at Alfred University. I always went to my professors' offices to learn about the topics in the class and discussions about their experiences so that I could learn to be like them. They were one of the kindest and most down-to-earth people who always cared about the things that worked out for their students' best interests rather than anything else. Listening to my professors helped me to find my interests and future career prospects. Thanks to the courses taken at Alfred University, I discovered my interest in marketing. In some years, I am considering applying for graduate school programs related to the digital marketing field in the future.