Student Life at IMC

IMC Orientation 

As you start to get settled in as a new student, check out our Online Orientation Program.

This program will run for approx. 30 mins will allow you to learn what services are available and how you can find help and support if you need it.

Student Documents

There are many different student documents you may need during or after your study. 

Know what documents can be supplied and how to apply for them.  

Grading System   

It is very important to know our grading system. What does "Credit" mean? How many grade point averages do I get?  Check out what each grade means below. 

View IMC's grading system here

Unit Materials & Textbooks 

Required textbooks and recommended resources and materials will be listed in each subject unit outline. A set number of key texts for each unit can be found in the library and are available for purchase via a range of sources. Our librarian can assist students in sourcing and purchasing texts and materials.

Students may be required to purchase the required text for each course. For help with using databases and e-books, please contact our library support staff. You can also attend workshops to enhance your information and resource searching. More information on library resources can be found here

Learning Skills & Resource Support

IMC designs tailored support programs and coordinates with Business and Law schools to deliver substantive and effective learning skills and resources to facilitate learning. If students require helpful resources pertaining to Skills Development, one-on-one support, and learning tools for their studies, an Online Outlet called Student Learning Centre is available.

 Additionally, students can also receive advice and assistance from our Academic Support Team and Student Support Services should they wish to reach out for additional guidance. In a classroom setting, we encourage students to directly contact their lecturers or tutors regarding any enquiries related to the unit content, exams and assignments. Students could also book a consultation session with lecturers if they require extra assistance with their studies.

Student Assessments

Details of assessment tasks for each unit are available in individual unit outlines provided at the beginning of the term. Assessments in each unit may be made up of several components, such as formal examinations, essays, tests, assignments, oral presentations and participation in class. The final mark that a student receives in a unit will be determined by the lecturer or examiner of each unit and will take into account all aspects of internal and final assessments. For more information on assessment, please refer to the Assessment Policy and Procedure.

Special Consideration Procedures

A student who has been prevented through an illness or other unavoidable and/or unforeseen circumstance from satisfying the normal assessment requirements for a unit may apply for special consideration of his/her assessment (including final examinations). Know more information about special considerations and applications

Special examination arrangements

IMC will try its best to accommodate any student with current medical condition/s and/or disabilities. Students who may require assistance should seek advice from the Academic Administration team. Sydney Campus: Hobart Campus:

Student Progression & Early Interventions

During enrolment at IMC, all students must demonstrate consistency and progress in their studies.

Course progress assessments will take place at the end of each semester. You will be formally assessed based on your course progression, and if you are not meeting 50% of the course requirements, you will be nominated as making unsatisfactory progress. Progression is also monitored throughout each semester via attendance and assessment performance.

Each unit will have assessment tasks, which students are required to complete in order to satisfy the course requirements fully

Student performance within each teaching period will be monitored to assist towards the successful completion of the units in which they are enrolled. Students whose performance is deemed to be at risk will be identified through an early intervention strategy.

Indicators of students at risk of not completing the unit satisfactorily may include:

•          Not attending lectures and/or tutorials. 

•          Not performing adequately in assessment tasks.

If your performance is identified to be at risk of failure, you will be counselled on academic matters and advised to access available support services. For more information on progression, please refer to the Student Progression, Exclusion and Graduation Policy.

Professional Development & Student Participation

IMC is invested in the success of its students. We want to prepare our graduates to be job-ready and become the best version of themselves, professionally, academically and individually. 

We have a strong belief that your education is more than just what you learn in the classroom. Through our future workshops, seminars, learning sessions and other career-related opportunities, our students will be able to turn the theory they learn from classes into real-life experiences. These experiences will help shape our students into outstanding candidates in today’s highly competitive employment market. 

We encourage our students to participate in our Ambassador Program. It is catered toward current students who are committed to the Institute’s values and are willing to share their knowledge, experience and understanding about being part of our community. We also encourage our students to explore opportunities for the Language and culture exchange program, CPA Australia Network, and the City of Sydney Leadership

IMC considers student participation a key element for its development. Student participation provides an opportunity for students to communicate their views and assist IMC in providing services and activities that meet students’ needs and interests.

Student participation can include: Joining Student Bodies at IMC; being nominated or self-nominated as the student representative for IMC’s Council, Academic Board, or the Student Experience Committee; providing your feedback and suggestions to the Institute. You can email for further information. 

Social Activities 

At IMC, we always look for ways to enhance your student experience and make your time here memorable. Throughout the year, we organise student field trips. 

These trips not only provide you with a social environment, a fun atmosphere and a chance to meet different classmates, but they also give you an opportunity to explore some of Sydney’s fantastic and iconic landmarks. We offer students a wide range of events, including a number of cultural activities and exchanges, sightseeing, and virtual social activities throughout the year. 

Information on social activities will be sent to students via a Student Newsletter, and information will also be shared via Moodle announcements. To grasp an understanding and a glimpse of our past activities and student experiences, view our IMC activities link.