Science Integrated Unit

New Zealand Curriculum - Level 4
Achievement Objectives

Nature of Science

Understanding about Science
Appreciate that science is a way of explaining the world and that science knowledge changes over time.

Investigating in Science
Ask questions, find evidence, explore simple models, and carry out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations

Communication in Science
Begin to use a range of scientific symbols, conventions, and vocabulary.

Participating and Contributing
Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions.

What is science and why should we study it?

Students often ask why do we need to study science.
Science is important as it is a way of investigating, understanding and explaining our physical world and the wider universe. It is able to inform problem solving and decision making in many areas of life. Many of the major challenges and opportunities that confront our world need to be approached from a scientific perspective.

It also enables students to:
- develop confidence, knowledge and skills to find answers to their own questions about the workings of the biological, chemical and technological world
- it helps students to become better informed citizens.

The Living World strand is about living things and how they interact with each other and the environment.

The Planet Earth and Beyond strand is about the interconnecting systems and processes of the Earth, the other parts of the solar system, and the universe beyond.

The Physical World strand provides explanations for a wide range of physical phenomena, including light, sound, heat, electricity, magnetism, waves, forces, and motion, united by the concept of energy, which is transformed from one form to another without loss

The Material World strand involves the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.

What is the Science Process?

Science Style

Learn more about the Science Process using the tune from Gangnam Style.
Maybe you could make a video to show your understanding of what science is?

Dance and Music

Go-Noodle dance that can help you to learn the steps involved in the scientific method of inquiry.

Example of a Scientific Inquiry/Process

Based on a true story, this video follows a teen's innovative investigation of migrating birds–an invitation for viewers to engage in the scientific process and help solve mysteries of the natural world.

Science Websites