January 2020
Introductions - Break Out Rooms
Updates from Local Markets
Updates from Local Farmers
Data Collection and Reporting DUE
Agricultural Guide Survey
Open Discussion
Call In Information
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 6975 9687
Passcode: 276971
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+16465588656,,87169759687#,,,,*276971# US (New York)
+13017158592,,87169759687#,,,,*276971# US (Washington DC)
Data Collection, Promotion, Customer Retention, and Recruiting
Creating Inclusive Markets
Asset Mapping to Build Community Partnerships
Conflict Resolution
SNAP: Best Practices and Latest Updates
Please email me if you would like to be added to the group.
Please email me if you would like to be registered for this conference.
Mahoning County Buy Farm Fresh Hub
The Buy Farm Fresh Hub is brought to by the Mahoning County Commissioners CARES Act Funding, OSU Extension Mahoning County, and the Mahoning County Farm Bureau. For questions or concerns, please contact Mahoning County OSU Extension at 330-533-5538.
New Legal Resource on Free Speech at Markets from the National Farmers Market Coalition
The team at Vermont Law School's Center for Agriculture and Food Systems (CAFS), in partnership with FMC and NOFA-Vermont, is pleased to share a new legal resource for farmers market operators.
Many farmers markets face questions about free speech—in particular, what types of restrictions markets can place on activities like leafleting, political campaigning, and protesting. Are farmers markets obligated to allow these types of activities as exercises of free speech under the First Amendment?
The new factsheet to begin to answer these complicated questions is available on the Farmers Market Legal Toolkit website, along with other open-access legal resources to help markets stay accessible and resilient.