Arts and Culture

Do you have a passion for Art? Would you like to learn more about careers such as Artist,  Architect, Cartoonist, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, Medical Illustrator, Photographer, Set Designer and more? The Art & Culture SHSM program is for you! 

Required Courses

In the Arts & Culture SHSM, you are required to take four major credits that provide sector-specific knowledge and skills. The four courses must include at least one Grade 11 and one Grade 12 credit. 

You will also need two other required credits one of which is English and the other a choice of Business or Canadian World Studies.

And finally, you will need 2 Cooperative Education credits in an art related field. 

For more information on which courses are available at HHS, refer to the Pathways Chart below.

Pathway Chart Arts and Culture.pdf

Certifications and Training

In addition to the required courses, you will complete six sector specific certifications and training.  Three of these certifications are compulsory and include First Aid, CPR and WHMIS. The other three certifications will be organized by Ms. Allen-Spiers and can include options like Audition Preparation, Customer Service, Working at Heights and more!

Experential Learning

In addition to your Major Credits and Certifications, you will also gain experience through your Cooperative Education course and other Reach Ahead and Experience Learning activities like trips and art shows.  For more information about the Art SHSM program requirements you can check out the Ministry of Education website. You can also contact one of the Art SHSM Lead below...

For details contact: 

Susanne Allen Spiers:   705-789-5594 ext 19831

Samantha Nadrofsky:  705-789-5594 ext 18454