Year 1 

Summer  1 

Read, Write Inc 

The children continue to work with great enthusiasm in their RWI groups and have made amazing progress so far. The learning of new phonic sounds each week will continue to support children applying this to their reading and writing.  Opportunities for proofreading and short writing tasks will also be completed weekly.  Please continue to listen to your child read as often as you can.

English and Guided reading 

This term, Year 1 will begin to have additional English and guided reading lessons where they will look at books together to develop their own writing skills. 


Multipication and division will be the main focus of maths in summer 1. The children will develop understanding of equal and unequal groups and apply their new knowledge to problems which include scale and identify the number of groups. 


In science we are looking at plants. We will learn to identify different plants and the main parts of these plants. Throughout the half term we will plant and look after a plant to watch how it grows! 


In computing we will be using Beebots. The children will be creating and debugging  a simple set of instructions to move the Beebot.


In our lessons we will be finding out about the history of bee keeping and the different ways honey has been used during different periods of time.


The children will be looking at the school grounds and thinking about how they could improve it to encourage more insects, including bees, to visit.  The children will be making simple maps of the area and using a key to represent their new ideas and designs.

Dear Families, 

In Summer 1 our new topic will be Oh Honey! This theme will run throughout our lessons to help the children make connections across subjects.

Year 1 Team 


The children will be learning about Muslims.  They will be finding out what Muslims believe in and how they live.


Through the unit 'Relationships', the children will be learning about building positive and healthy relationships. 

They will be thinking about their relationships with their families and friends, as well as considering who and how they can ask for help. 


In Music, the children will be learning to sing and perform the pop song 'Your Imagination'.  The children will be accompanying it on glockenspiels.  They will continue to develop their knowledge of pulse, pitch and rhythm through fun warm-up games. They will also have opportunity to improvise on the glockenspiels.


In DT, we will be learning how to use a variety of kitchen tools safely to create a simple recipe that also includes honey.  The children will learn different cutting techniques, such as slicing, grating and mashing of fruits.  


In PE we will be taking part in bat and ball skills with Mr Wheeler and developing our dance skills.