Year 1 Curriculum Overview: Autumn 1


Our English this half term will be based on the book Journey by Aaron Becker. We will be reading the story, creating our own story map to support with writing our own story about a journey. 

Read Write Inc phonic and writing will then start within Year 1. (There will be parent workshops to explain this.)


This half term our learning will focus on the following areas in: 

Counting forwards and backwards 1-10

Place Value 10's 

Making 10's 


Part Part whole to solve addition and subtraction


In Science we are going looking at  animal which also include humans!

We will be learning the five senses, the main body parts of the human body and the grouping of animals.


In Computing, Internet Safety is the area in which we will start our computing journey. We will be looking at the basics of using a computer and identifying ways to keep safe when using the internet. 


In RE,  the question is- What do Christians believe God is like?

We will be looking at the Creation story, expressing ideas and feelings about the amazing world. We will also look at important figures of the bible.


This half term we are looking at the artist Roy Lichtenstein and his art which is based on printing. We will be developing art work using repeated patterns with paint and tiles, considering what pattern  would suit a Super Hero Cape.


We are looking at the local area and the school grounds where we will learn how to create Keys with symbols to represent areas or buildings. We are  developing  the use of directional language to support giving and following directions. 


Being Me and My World

This half term our topic is Being me in my world. We will be looking at where we fit in our world. Where the children will write a learning charter after looking at hopes and fears, rights and responsibilities and rewards and consequences. 


Hands, feet, heart we will learn to sing, play and improvise music whilst listening and appraising different types   of South African music.


Team games where we will use our speaking and listening skills to develop as a team when working towards a goal.

 We will also be learning how to dance like a Superheroes, using the skills of a superhero to help us develop our moves.

Other information

Educational Visits/Important dates

This will be updated at a later date.

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