Year 1 


Read, Write Inc 

The children have settled fantastically into their new RWI groups and have made amazing progress. The children will continue to learn new phonic sounds each week and apply them to their reading and writing.  Opportunities for proofreading and short writing tasks will also be completed weekly.  Please continue to listen to your child read as often as you can.


This half-term, we will learn about money by comparing and ordering coins. We will learn to count in 2s,5s and 10s and measure using standard and non-standard measures.  


In science we will be naming and comparing a variety of animals.  We will be grouping animals into mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish.  We will also be finding out about animal diets, to identify which animals are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.


In computing we will be using search engines to find out information about animals. We will think about how to keep safe online whilst we do our research. 


In our lessons we will be finding out about the main parts of a castle and how castles have changed over time.  The children will also be learning about the different jobs people did inside a castle.

Dear Families, 

This half term we will continue with the topic Turrets and Tiaras.  The children will be learning about the main features of a castle and also some of the key jobs people used to do.

Year 1 Team 


The children will be learning about the importance of Easter to Christians.  They will listen to the Easter story and find out how Easter is celebrated.


Through the unit 'Healthy Me', the children will be learning how to keep their bodies healthy and safe.  They will be thinking about about how to make healthy choices and how to stay safe, including medicine safety and road safety.


In Music, the children will learning to sing and perform the song 'Round and Round'.  The children will be accompanying it on glockenspiels.  They will continue to develop their knowledge of pulse, pitch and rhythm through fun warm-up games.


In DT, we are looking at mechanisms through the exploration of vehicles. Considering how they move through their wheels and axles in order to help design a vehicle for the Royal Family. 

In PE we will be taking part in team games with Mr Wheeler and developing our yoga skills.