School Performance

We are passionate in ensuring that our teaching secures the highest standard possible for all of our pupils. Their skills in reading, writing and maths are essential to their future lives both socially and academically. Every year our children take part in the national checks and assessments required by the government. 

Reception aged pupils 

It is vital that our children have a strong foundation on which all other learning is built. We assess children to support them with their learning throughout the year and make an evaluation of their learning at the end of the year against the Prime Areas (including Communication, Personal Developement and Physical Development) together with the Specific Areas (including Literacy and Maths). A ‘good level of development’ can be defined as a child reaching the ‘expected’ level of development at the end of their reception year.


The teaching of Phonics in Reception and Year 1 is an important building block to successful reading skills. At Palgrave, we provide an excellent start for our pupils, leading to results significantly higher than the county or national averages.

Key Stage 1 SATs

At the end of Year 2 children are assessed in Reading, Writing and Maths. Our results this year demonstrate the high quality of teaching and support that we provide to our children, as demonstrated by our results being significantly higher than national averages. RWM is the pecentage of pupils who have reached the expected standard in all areas (Reading, Writing and Maths).

Key Stage 2 SATs

At the end of Year 6 children are, once again, assessed in Reading, Writing and Maths. All of our results are above national and county averages but we were particularly pleased about our reading results which show how effective our teachers are in developing this area in Years 3, 4, 5  and 6 - encouraging a love of reading by sharing their own passion for books.