
Our curriculum at Palgrave has been developed to be broad, balanced and relevant; one that inspires children to learn and achieve ambitious targets. It supports the fundamental British values and teaches pupils tolerance and respect. We firmly believe that our curriculum provides an excellent foundation for our pupils to develop as individuals and fulfill their potential. Our vision and aims, along with our Framework for Independence, are at the core of everything we do and underpin our teaching and learning.


At Palgrave, we want our children to experience:

Curriculum Statement

As a Church school, our vision is that children learn to live life in all its fullness. This fullness involves developing academically, physically, socially, spiritually, morally, culturally, and artistically. Our curriculum is the means by which we engender this development.

Our planned curriculum offer has our Framework For Independence at its core and delivers all areas of the National Curriculum including PSHE, Relationships Education and RE.  Our taught curriculum is influenced by a repertoire of pedagogy, the adherence to our school’s vision, the leadership conversations, routines, rituals and provision and of course the learner’s dispositions. All this results in the curriculum experienced by the children.