Online Safety

At school

The internet is a fantastic tool for education and we use a range of Information Technology to engage and enhance our pupils' learning. However, we have to be careful that our pupils are as safe as possible whilst online. We have protections in place which include

1. The broadband service we use is provided by an experienced and highly regarded company who have been involved in primary education for many years. There are filters on the service which prevent access to certain websites or pages that display particular words.

2. There are always staff members around when pupils access the internet. Infants are supervised whilst working whilst juniors work more independently but will be monitored closely by staff

3. Pupils are taught about online safety. They know what they should and shouldn't do on a computer. 

4. On our website pages there is a the CEOP button to instantly report any concerns.

Unfortunately, no systems or procedures give complete protection and therefore the most important advice we give our pupils is "If you are worried by what you see online, tell a teacher".

At home

There are even more dangers in most homes. The use of computers has always been popular but now there are many more mobile devices (tablets, phones etc) plus games machines (Xbox and Playstation) that allow access to the internet. 

Monthly Online Safety newsletters are sent out to parents, with up to date support and information. Back copies of these newsletters can be found in our parent information tab - Online Safety Newsletters.

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency) are a a government group who produce excellent advice and training on e-safety.

So how can you keep your child safe online? 

Here are some links that will help