Your Comments

Photo taken from inside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, USA

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Response(s) to Blog #6: Teaching + the Butterfly

February 3, 2024 - We humans have the privilege to feel, dream, remember, imagine... Your transition from where you are to what's ahead seems exactly right. The dissonance is too loud. Also, transitions are tough and lonely...As you wrote - AI cannot tell them how to feel...I'm not a big fan of productivity or performance as our culture might put upon us. That demand is not for my benefit, not for my soul and spirit. That demand is to feed a very greedy system that benefits few including Sheryl (as you referenced). Performance for my soul and spirit and joy, for the expansion of my spirit - that I get perhaps like your shabbat practices now give you.  As for private schools and tests - Your experience was starkly different than mine and [my son's].  We both were measured with regular and standardized tests, taught according to a standard based on accreditation requirements and yes, learning plans (iep-style with a different name) were a regular part of the process. That you had such a different experience of learning is a blessing and part of why you are who you are. - Sara H; Seattle, WA