Water colours

Early Years 

Reception explored water colours. We used water colour paints to paint leaves. The children were exposed to how to use a paint brush and how the water can be used to bring out the colour.

Year 1 

We used watercolours to create a self portrait inspired by Roy Licenstine. First we experimented with watercolours and developed our skills of dotting. Then we created a self-portrait, The children loved creating a picture of themselves! 

Year 2 

In Year 2, we learnt to create different shades in water colours and then applied our skills to making portraits and landscapes.

Year 3 

In Year 3, we first learnt to create shades of the same colours and got familiar with the concept of colour and texture showing light and dark. We then learnt how to use water to wash the paint creating tints. Finally, we applied this knowledge to creating some landscapes showing different shades and textures.

Year 4 

In Year 4, we learnt to use different shades, hues and tints in water colours to create our rainforest landscapes.

Year 5 

In Year 5, we used water colours to mix colours to create light and dark shades of different colours and then applied them to create images with shapes and form.

Year 6 

In Year 6, we learnt to mix colours to create different shades and textures while using water colours to paint different images.