
Early Years

In Spring 1, the children created collages using strips of paper. We learnt about Polar bears and their habitats and the children then used different textured strips to build their background for their polar bear. They discussed the difference in effect from cutting strips, as opposed to tearing. 

Year 1

In the Spring term, Year 1 have been using the skills of overlapping, coiling and tessellation to create a seasonal picture. This is inspired by our learning theme 'A Walk Through The Seasons.' The children chose appropriate colours to represent each season such as pink and red for Summer and blue and purple for Winter as a background. Next, the children used their skill of coiling to create a tree with branches on top of their background. Finally, they tessellated leaves around their background. 

Year 2

In Year 2, the children created paper mosaic tiles using strips of coloured paper and paint. They first painted the strips in a variety of colours and textures. Then, they cut out a shape and wove the strips into a pattern to stick on it.

Year 3

The children really enjoyed using air drying clay to sculpt and create tiles. They then formed additional shapes, scratched them, wet them with water and attached them to the original sculpture , creating texture on a piece of artwork worthy of praise. These tiles were then painted with different colours.

Year 4

In Year 4, the children first planned their image based on the school valves, then rolled air drying clay into relief tiles. They then, traced the image onto the tile while it was wet. A week later, after it was dry, they painted it.

Year 5

In Year 5, we worked with acetate paper and glass to create paintings using acrylic paint. It was the first time we had experienced this form of Art.

Year 6

The children painted on recycled glass frames with acrylic paints to create their paintings. Bright colours and textures were used for the image to stand out.