T: Take care of yourself

Go for a jog: It doesn't matter how far or how fast. Running is proven to boost your mood and your immune system.

Journal: Write down your feelings about being locked-down, it helps to relieve stress when you express your thoughts on paper.

Go on a walk: Spend time with someone from your household or have some time to yourself in the fresh air. Maybe listen to a favourite album or a podcast as you walk.

Read: Turn your phone off for an hour and read a book. This will help you escape from any worries or stresses as you take your mind to another literary place.

Reward yourself: Spend some time writing down your achievements from 2020. Reward yourself with something that makes you feel good (a favourite sweet treat!)

Ring a friend: Spend some time catching up with friends. Maybe do an online quiz or play a game. Have some fun!

Try some art: Try some painting, drawing or some mindful colouring to calm you.

Do some baking: Having a go a baking your favourite sweet treat. Then spend some time enjoying the results!