
At The Hyde we endeavour for our children to develop the skills and passion to make them lifelong readers. We give vast opportunities to develop reading at school, promote reading at home, and aim to make reading relevant, fun and engaging. Children at The Hyde are motivated to read because of the wealth of opportunity that is offered to them: 10 reads and the Big bounce, reading breakfasts (come and enjoy a croissant and a book with your child in their classroom! Our reading breakfasts are popular events that allow our children to show off their reading skills and spend some quality time with their grown ups over a good book), competitions (we’ve had lots of amazing reading competitions at The Hyde. Extreme Reading, Poetry Slam and Book in a Box to name just a few!), mystery storyteller (Nursery and Reception invite parents and carers in to share a story with their class. Sometimes they even read in their home language).

Reading is explored and taught in a myriad of ways. From our reading celebrations (like World Book Day and whole school competitions), providing a wide range of opportunities and exposure (for example our Patron of Reading, librarian and newspaper clubs), and ensuring this continues through our online platform (such as the development of the Virtual Library, access to hundreds of books through Big Cat Collins, and encouraging our children to use Literacy Planet to further embed their skills). Alongside this we offer intervention catch up programs, support for parents through videos and reading coffee mornings, a focus on developing understanding and comprehension using effective questioning and reading vipers. Children also partake in high quality daily small group reading sessions that are led by their teacher or member of support staff. The focus of each session is guided by the National Curriculum objectives and is an opportunity for staff to focus their support where needed. Speaking and listening skills are developed through all of this; vocabulary acquisition and development is a top priority at The Hyde, and is at the heart of our practice from Nursery to Year Six.

Because of all of this, our children leave school with a love of reading, a thirst for more, and a confidence in their skills and abilities that they carry with them on their journey to Secondary School and beyond.