Early Years Literacy

Communication and Language

Communication and language is at the heart of our Early Years at The Hyde. Adults are highly skilled at promoting a language rich environment and are constantly modelling speaking and listening skills. The environments, both inside and out, promote the use of language through stimulating activities. To further aid spoken language, all of the adults in the Early Years are training in using Makaton. The children are taught key Makaton signs each week to help develop their vocabulary and communication skills. Communication and language is a key element that runs throughout the entire Early Years Curriculum.


It is crucial for children to develop a life-long love of reading. In the Early Years we use core texts and children’s interests as a driver for learning. The children are immersed within books to develop their knowledge and understanding of comprehension and word reading. Children are also exposed to songs, poems, rhythm and rhyme. Reading opportunities are prominent throughout the environment and children are apply a range of reading skills in meaningful ways. The skill of reading words is also thought through a systematic phonics approach.


In the Early Years we ensure all children see themselves as confident and capable writers. This is done by promoting a love for writing and by giving children a purposeful writing opportunities. The children have access to different writing resources in every area of the provision and a range of carefully selected, interesting writing resources are always available. Adults spend a lot of time developing the children’s gross and fine motor skills to ensure they are ready for writing. The children are able to apply the skills they have learnt in phonics in meaningful ways in continuous provision.