Hello!  Thank you for visiting the library website.  Visit the General Library Info page for links to the catalog, access to databases, library policies and other information.

Library Etiquette

Remember to be mindful of the Big 5 Library Rules when visiting the library.  If you don't remember what they are you can view them on the Come Visit! page.  (Words are kind of a big deal in the library...and so are choices...)  🙂

Student Tips for Printing

Tips for Printing #1

Finding the right printer to print to when it doesn't automatically  populate.

Student Tips for Printing #2

Tips for Printing #2

Adjusting settings so your document prints correctly.

Copier Tips (with photos)

Copier Tip

The copier has many settings.

A reminder for those students that attend Sports Study Hall or have to come in without a class to do school work:

Thank you for your cooperation!  Let us know if you have any questions.