
Thank you for visiting!  This site is a work in progress and will continue to be updated with important information for students, families, faculty and staff.  Please come back and visit to see what is happening in the library! Use the navigation links above for general library information, student tips and more.

Library Vision Statement & Core Values:

The Hill School Library strives to be a place of sanctuary and understanding where students can foster a love of reading and learning through library resources and tools.  We want to provide an environment conducive to learning through inquiry, curiosity, and exploration.  Resources should be a balance of quality media for academic purposes as well as for personal enrichment and enjoyment.  As a result, the library must provide resources that are current, relevant, that support the curriculum, engage students, and that support a variety of perspectives.  

2023-2024 Annual Report

Let's see how the 23-24 year compares to previous year's report!

2022-2023 Annual Report

The first annual report on the library and how the year went.