Tips for Dyslexia

- Perspectives, Volume 33, Issue 4, Learning Disabilities Association of Missouri 

DML 13 top list of things to do for LD and dyslexia:

As a person with dyslexia I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with you some guidelines to you and/or help others with learning differences. The following are suggestions based on the techniques I found to be most helpful as a child and as an adult.

DML's 13 top list of things to do for LD and dyslexia:

1. Give hope.

2. To understand them, watch: "HOW DIFFICULT CAN THIS BE? a F.A.T. City Workshop". For kids with learning disabilities, the classroom can be an intimidating place. In this videotaped workshop, Richard Lavoie shows why. He leads a group of parents, educators, psychologists and children through a series of exercises that cause frustration... feelings all too familiar to LD children. Check your local library or

3. Read/listen to the book Dyslexia My Life. ISBN: 096430871-1

4. Use alternatives to books: software that reads text on a PC or MAC, closed-captioned television, textbooks and other books on tape, and books on audio cassette. To find out more, call 1-800-424-8567.

5. Use a shape-based system. When programming computers to read, phonics is used instead of memorization. In my experience, many kids learn through phonics rather than memorization.

6. Develop a visual clue to remember something. To help with left-right disorientation, here's a simple trick: When you hold your hands up in front of you, as you view your thumb and index finger on your LEFT hand, you see the letter "L." Words and symbols are often visually confusing to people with dyslexia. Having fun with those words and symbols helps. Some examples: "their" and "there" --"Their" has an "i" in it, and "I am part of 'their' party"; "where" and "were"--"Where" has an "h" in it as in "My house is here"; math signs <, > is an open mouth. The <2. Many persons with learning disabilities tend to be graphical and 3 dimensional in their thinking versus learning by text or 2 dimensional. They must see a picture in their mind in order to learn. For example, if a child needs to learn the song "Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House We Go," it may work best to have the child draw a picture of hills and woods and a house. Many times the person with dyslexia sees different letters as the same one. For example, the letters "b," "d," "p," and "q" look as though they are all the same letter. It is as though you took a picture of a car and turned the car upside down. The car is still the same car. To help a person distinguish between letters use pictures with the actual letter. For instance, write the letter "q" and draw a queen's crown across the top. The child will associate the queen's crown with the letter "q."

7. Explain/understand that dyslexics think differently, and this is a positive thing. From Don Krueyer, an artist with dyslexia, here are some labels you might want to use:

----------------------LD- Leering Demonically

----------------------ED- Exceptionally Distracted

----------------------SE- Specific Education

----------------------BD- Behavior Disorders or Bountiful Distracters

8. Let them do whatever they do best—running, skating, etc. Give them time each day to do this. Many people with dyslexia are nonverbal thinkers. Using objects such as clay, LEGGOS, or sand to "build" new words allows the individual to utilize his/her creative outlet and accomplish an otherwise frustrating task. They will develop mental pictures, concepts, or ideas using the "hands-on" materials.

9. Have them repeat instructions and give all instructions on paper as a checklist. Many children with LD are easily distracted or may have trouble following instructions. It may be helpful to everyone if you ask the child to repeat instructions or directions back to you before he/she begins the task or goes to a particular place.

10. Use colors to organize things as much as possible. Color code notebooks to match textbooks and folders. Put three lines of spaces between test questions.

11. Join a support group -- local if possible.

12. Dyslexics and many people with LD benefit from a reading program which develops auditory processing, the ability to distinguish sounds in a syllable. Look into enrolling in a program that develops this phonemic awareness.

13. I get asked what kind of software I like and use; I like software that reads back to me what I write.  Something not too much money.  I have used this one for years. Text aloud   Free trial of Text aloud    Good text-to-speech software that will read what you write or what you need to read.

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Table to learn the ending of words.

Ending of words.

a says /¶ /

on says /¶ n/

an says /¶ n/


al says /¶ l/

ent says /¶ nt/

ant says /¶ nt/

ence says /¶ ns/

ance says /¶ ns/

ous says /¶ s/

o says /oe/ or /¶ /

ate says /aet/ or /¶ t/

vowel says /¶ /
























-i says /ee/
























ti says /sh/



















ci says /sh/

















si says /sh/ or /zh/










gi says /j/









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Other Tips for Dyslexia:   Also for Adult Dyslexia


*Teachers - please give the notes from your lectures to children with dyslexia or LD before class. Let them highlight the notes beforehand so that they can work harder on listening to what you have to say instead of concentrating so hard on note-taking.

* Please allow the child to perform oral reports versus written.

* Put three lines of spaces between test questions

* Compliment the child for trying something difficult, no matter what the grade.

* Emphasize to the child that their worth as a person is not related to their test scores or how well they did on a particular assignment.

* As a child with dyslexia, the thing that frightened me most upon entering the classroom every day was knowing I may be called upon to read aloud in front of the entire class - Please do not ask children with dyslexia to read aloud in class without letting them know two or three days before they will be called upon. This allows the child to practice at home or after school.

* Please tell the child that before you call on them in class, you will stand in front of their desk. This way, the child can listen without fear of being called upon without warning.

* Teachers/parents, here is something to think about. Have you noticed that many times, a child with dyslexia or LD will be the first to tattle on other kids? As a parent or a teacher, you might think, "If only he/she was as concerned about their work as they are the others in the classroom, he/she might do well." Speaking as a person with LD, I believe that the child tries to point out to the teacher and the rest of the class that "someone else has made the mistake this time, and it wasn't me." Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you, as the teacher or parent, would point out to all children when you make a mistake while reading.

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"This is easy."

Put unhappy faces on their paper.

"Get your act together and learn to do it right."

"You're just not applying yourself."

"Try harder".

Humiliate in front of the entire class.

Say in front of the entire class that "everyone is dismissed except for ____".

"If you never learn to read or write, you will never make it".

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Something to Ponder

My mom always told me I was a happy baby. As I grew, she ended the same sentence with "What happened". To answer her question, I said, "School happened." Daily agonizing. flunking tests, being laughed at by my peers, being humiliated by my teachers in front of the entire class, and attending special classes - all of these events were a part of my daily routine. When arriving home from school each day, I would spend time alone in my room healing. It is important to give children with LD their own space and or workshop where they can play, foster creativity, and be messy. Many people with learning disabilities are naturally messy. I hear parents complain that "They can't get their child's teacher to understand." In the same breath, that parent will say, "No matter how many times I tell my child he/she can not keep his/her room clean." More than likely the messiness is all a part of the learning disability. Just remember that these children and adults need a safe place to be themselves and unwind. School is anything but easy for them.


Regardless if you are a person with LD or the parent of a child with LD, NEVER be ashamed of getting psychological counseling.

It is extremely likely that in a family unit, there may be more than one sibling or parent who also has dyslexia and other learning differences that may have gone undiagnosed. However, when a child in a single-family unit is the only one with a learning disability, it can be even more devastating to the child with LD. I try to convey a message to the entire family - from parents to siblings who make excellent grades that they are all intelligent. It becomes a matter of learning differently - and remember that learning differently is not learning wrong. Standardized testing in school systems across the country generally tests from a logical standpoint with questions that have one correct answer, and if that one correct answer is not chosen, it is WRONG! Again, many people with LD think creatively and 3 dimensionally. Unfortunately, creative intelligence is not a part of the standardized test, therefore those same children have low test scores.

Dyslexia is not a disease. The word sounds frightening, but it really is not. The word dyslexia comes from the Greek language, meaning poor language. People with dyslexia may have trouble with language even though they have the ability and have opportunities to learn. As mentioned above, people with dyslexia and other learning disabilities CAN learn. They just learn things differently. I actually prefer to call learning disabilities - learning differences. Again, people with LD learn more from a creative perspective - not a logical one. For example, forming pictures in their mind and not text or using poetry or rhyming to memorize. As many as one in ten people have dyslexia.

Remember, your worst day as a teacher or parent with a child with learning disabilities is still better than the average day a child with LD will have in school.

If you are a person with learning disabilities remember to find someone to talk with. Even if you do not talk with anyone, you have the opportunity to write down your feelings and even throw them away before anyone can read your thoughts. This allows your feelings to be expressed and validated.

When studying for a test have a soft, pleasant aroma surround you. While taking the test, imagine that same scent. It may help you recall what you have studied.

A point for everyone: Please remember to be silent immediately after asking a question to a person with LD. A person with dyslexia will use some extra time to concentrate on changing the words into pictures, then arriving at the answer, changing back to words and then to speaking. It is comparable to a foreign language.

Play PIG, HORSE, ect. basketball. Use words the child has trouble learning. Each time a person makes a basket, they earn a letter until the word is spelled. Play other word games like Scrabble or Hangman.

If a child is having problems spelling a word, have them spell it aloud as they read it and draw a picture of the word. Repeat this exercise one hour later, two hours later, etc.…and continue the next day with the same word for the entire week. They must repeat the word to form a new word/shape in their mind.

Most school systems do not test for dyslexia or other learning disabilities. They just put all "slow learners" in one classroom or learning center. Do not assume that school systems always know best. My mom was told that I was mentally retarded by a particular school system. I now have earned a master's degree from an accredited college. Many teachers are not trained extensively in teaching children with LD.

Get your child's hearing checked. It may be a hearing disability between similar letters like "f" and "s" or "b" and "d".

Make up riddles and songs to describe objects, words, and the spelling of words. Again, this allows the person to remember the item better by forming a picture in their mind.

Cover the reading pages with a red or blue transparent sheet. This may reduce light to one color. Sometimes, when reading from white paper, people with dyslexia see many different colors from the light that is being exposed. This adds to the confusion of reading when different shades hit their eyes. You may also try wearing sunglasses inside.

Dyslexia is not a disease to have and be cured of, but a way of thinking and learning. Often, it is a gifted mind waiting to be found and taught.

As a child, I had very low self-esteem. Most of the time, I felt worthless and felt as though nobody cared about me. It wasn't until I turned my faith to Jesus Christ that my self-esteem improved dramatically. I learned that no matter what people said about me, no matter what kind of names they called me, no matter how I was treated by others, HE still loved me…unconditionally…and no one could take that away.

Here, in brief, are the essentials of this approach:

Remember, it is also your responsibility to research on your own before asking for help. The following are some suggested solutions for problems one may encounter in dealing with dyslexia in the workplace:

Problem: You have severe difficulty reading. As a matter of fact, someone is reading this article to you.

Solutions: Have someone else read it to you; get written memos placed on your voicemail; Have your boss tell you what needs to be done instead of having instructions written; phone people instead of writing them; Have someone highlight important information…

Problem: Your reading problem is not severe, but it is still difficult for you to read large amounts of material.

Solutions: Discuss the material with co-workers; get information through drawings or diagrams and flow charts; If possible, request voice output on your computer.

Problem: You have visual perceptual problems, which make it difficult for you to locate objects, so you frequently lose things.

Solutions: Keep your work area well organized, color-code items such as files and notebooks, and put important objects in the same place each time.

Problem: You have auditory-perceptual problems, causing you difficulty in following verbal instructions.

Solutions: Ask people to write down important information; Ask people to give you instructions slowly and clearly - in a quiet location; Repeat instructions back to others to verify that what you understand is correct; Record important procedures so that you can listen to them over again as many times as necessary.

Problem: You have left/right disorientation. You have been known to get lost in your own office building, and driving a car is a major obstacle because you have difficulty following directions due to spatial disorientation.

Solutions: Use maps; Find a mentor who will navigate and teach you how to get to and from different places; Find ways to display visual cues so that you can differentiate between left and right. For instance, putting up pictures in a certain hallway.

Problem: You are a person with dyslexia who would like to learn more about other individuals coping strategies and hear stories so you know that you are not alone.

Solution: BIG ONE—Buy my book DYSLEXIA MY LIFE. You didn't think I was going to throw in a sales pitch, did you? Okay, if you aren't able to purchase it immediately, check it out on the Barnes and Noble website. It is well worth looking into. Still not convinced? Check out more of my readers on my website, as did the following reader…

"I recently visited your website. Our nine-year-old daughter is dyslexic, and I found your tips to be very helpful. Another you may like to add is this: Tricia, our daughter uses her watch (which has hands) to remember which way to write her numbers. Numbers three, seven, and five seem to be the hardest. All she has to do is look at her watch and copy them down. It doesn't always work, but it's another little trick to use."

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MONDAY, Aug. 20 (HealthScoutNews) -- Scientists can help dyslexic children read better with an ironic new method that doesn't involve the printed word.

Finnish researchers say audiovisual drills that employ shapes and sounds can improve scores in children with the reading disorder. They say the therapy boosts activity in areas of the brain integral to the processing of sound, a fundament of language.

A report on the findings appears in the Aug. 21 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (news—websites).

A research team led by Teija Kujala, a neuroscientist at the University of Helsinki, started with a group of 48 children, all aged 7, with reading impairments.

The children were first tested to measure their reading accuracy, speed, spelling, and how often they missed sounds within words. Not surprisingly, the dyslexic children scored worse overall than a group of six other children without the condition.

Half the dyslexic children then were given seven weeks of audiovisual training, including 14 short sessions in which they matched shapes with sounds on a computer screen.

After the training the children were given brain scans that showed more activity in their auditory cortex, a region responsible for processing sound, than those who didn't undergo the drilling. They also scored significantly better in a second round of reading tests, getting more words correct and reading slightly faster than the untrained group.

Whether the benefits of the training will last after it stops isn't certain since the study didn't look at this question, Kujala says. "However, it could be expected that the effect of training is something that does not vanish because this is a clear transfer phenomenon from training to another function" -- that is, reading, she says.

Scientists are split as to whether dyslexia is primarily an auditory or a visual problem, Kujala says. "This method presumably works best on the latter type of dysfunction, but more work is needed, comparing the effects of the training program on different types of dyslexia, before we can tell more about this."

If effective, the technique would not be hard to implement on a broad scale, she says. "Since it is simple and computer-based, children learn it easily, and it can be applied already in the first grade."

J. Thomas Viall, executive director of the International Dyslexia Association in Baltimore, says the Finnish report is promising, but he cautions that dyslexia appears to be a condition without a cure. "There isn't going to be cure. There may be a way to help you learn to learn better," but nothing has yet suggested that it can be reversed, Viall says.

What To Do

The International Dyslexia Association estimates that 3 percent to 5 percent of Americans have the disorder, which appears to be inherited.

Some evidence suggests that the signs of dyslexia can be identified in children who have trouble with certain sounds, particularly rhyming, says Viall. He encourages parents to pay attention to their young children's rhyming and phonetic abilities.

Help with IEP

Seven Habits of Highly  Effective IEP Teams

     by Eileen Hammar & Anne Malatchi

                  (*With acknowledgment and thanks to Stephen Covey)

1. Be Proactive

Taking initiative does not mean being pushy, obnoxious, or aggressive. It does mean recognizing our responsibility to make things happen." Fundamental in our efforts to become proactive members of IEP teams is adopting an attitude that is collaborative, facilitative, and responsible. To be proactive requires a shift in our thinking from a deficit based model of education to a capacity model. Often, goals for IEPs are developed as a result of a label or something that appears to be 'wrong'--i.e., reacting to a behavior that others do not think is acceptable. Proactive goals and objectives are based on the premise that the entire team is responsible for making things happen. "John will use a transition object such as a  computer disc when it is time to go to computer class." The team realizes if John knows in advance it will soon be computer time, and can carry something with him to remind him where he is going, he will be less likely to exhibit challenging behaviors when asked to go to computer class.

2. Begin With the End in Mind

"(This habit) based on imagination-- the ability to envision, to see the potential, to create with our minds what we cannot at present see with our eyes..." Before developing an IEP, learn about the student. Be able to envision the future, the possibilities. What are his or her dreams? Nightmares? What are the learner's strengths and needs? Where does he or she want to live after school? What kind of job would be fulfilling? It has been too easy in the past to look at the small picture instead of determining what the end of the journey will look like. Once that picture is clear, it makes sense to decide what must be taught in order to get there.

3. Put First Things First

"Create a clear, mutual understanding of what needs to be accomplished, focusing on what, not how; results, not methods. Spend time. Be patient. Visualize the desired result." Prioritize! It is impossible for anyone, in one year's time, to work on everything they would like to learn. Having nine, ten, or more goals and dozens of objectives on an IEP is akin to being set up for failure. What is urgent or most important in the coming year that needs to be addressed on the IEP?

4. Think Win-Win

"Win-Win is a frame of mind that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying." Consensus building is a key element of effective, collaborative IEP meetings. Reaching consensus indicates that power and control have been shared. Demanding parents or dictating educators does not contribute to win-win solutions. IEP goals and objectives, which are too general and not designed for progress, lead to a lose-lose situation. How many times have you worked with a student who has the same goals and objectives year after year? Both the student and the teacher are frustrated. Something is wrong with the goal when there is no progress. Be specific in stating the desired results of the objectives, the guidelines for achievement, how accountability will be determined, and when to decide if the goal and/or objective is not appropriate.

5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

"'Seek First to Understand' involves a very deep shift in paradigm. We typically seek first to be understood. Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. They're either speaking or preparing to speak. They're filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's lives." In a truly collaborative IEP process, educators will listen to and understand parents; parents will listen to and understand educators. All team members will realize the importance of listening to and understanding the student. The desired outcome is not for everyone to always agree but to understand each team member's viewpoint. The power of this type of listening is that it gives the team accurate data with which to work.

In order for this to happen, the language at meetings must be jargon-free. The final product (the IEP document) must be written in language that everyone working with the student can understand.

6. Synergize 

"Synergy works; it's a correct principle. It is the crowning achievement of all the previous habits. It is effectiveness in an interdependent reality-- it is teamwork, team building, the development of unity and creativity with other human beings."

Effective IEPs are those that have been developed collaboratively by a transdisciplinary team. There is 'creative cooperation' occurring at each step of the development process. All participants strive to work together, realizing it takes both parents and educators to educate students. It is unlikely that this will occur at one IEP event. The quality of the preplanning for an IEP is of equal value to the official meeting. The time devoted to the preplanning process will differ depending on each individual student.

7. Sharpening the Saw. 

"This is the habit of renewal...It circles and embodies all the other habits. It is the habit of continuous improvement...that lifts you to new levels of understanding and living each of the habits."  Celebrations of success are one of the keys to effective IEP teams. These celebrations recognize the achievements we have made. They also energize us to keep on this collaborative journey with a student toward of life of his or her choosing.   Take time to snack!      Share stories -- funny and serious      Offer words of appreciation      Acknowledge gifts and talents of all team members      Renew commitment to the journey

More on IEP goto

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How to Naturally Calm a Hyper Child

When it comes to calming

Kids, there's no doubt that an herbal remedy exists. However, sorting through all the selections and figuring out which one to try can be a daunting task. Here is a brief description of some popular calming remedies:

1. Chamomile. Most herbalists' first choice for calming children, chamomile is a fragrant member of the daisy family native to Europe and western Asia. German chamomile is considered the highest quality. Used for centuries to cure gastrointestinal problems, chamomile's active substances also have mild anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and muscle-relaxing actions, which makes the herb perfect for children since it can soothe without over-sedating. Often taken in tea between meals, chamomile can also be ingested in tablet or capsule form (2-3 grams) or by tincture (4-6 mL), also between meals.

2. Lemon Balm. Derived from the lemon-scented leaves of a perennial mint plant of southern

Europe, lemon balm has been used since the Middle Ages for a multitude of symptoms, including anxiety and restlessness. The herb is now grown around the world, and remedies are derived from either the leaves or the whole plant. It is believed that components of the citronella are responsible for a sedative action. Lemon balm may be taken in capsule form, liquid extract or as a tea, and is often packaged as part of an herbal blend. It is great for children because of its good taste and because it is considered one of the safest relaxants, though it should be avoided by those with underactive thyroids.

3. Lavender. Primarily used as an aromatic, lavender can be a great, mellow relaxant for children. A drop or two of lavender essential oil on a tissue, on a pillow, or even in the humidifier can be an ideal, risk-free method of soothing a child. Dried leaves can also be used to make a


4. Catnip. Native to both North America and Europe, catnip, which has been known to drive felines into an over-stimulated state, has been used throughout history as a human sedative. Usually ingested in tea, catnip is a fairly mild herb that, when taken in reasonable doses, shows no side effects. The herb is relatively safe to give children.

5. Skull Cap. Largely ignored by researchers since tests in the '50s yielded no results, this herb, which is available dried, in liquid extracts, in capsules, and in teas, comes from a North American plant in the mint family. It is relatively mild and is safe to use as a relaxant for children, though many herbalists prefer other remedies that are more effective.

6. Passionflower. Passionflower comes from a climbing vine that now grows around the world. Used by the tribes of South America, passionflower has a long history as an herbal sedative. More accepted in Europe than it is in the United States (many Europeans favor passionflower over even valerian), the herb is most often found as a tea but is also available in liquid extract and in capsules. Although in reasonable doses, passionflower is safe for children, it should not be given to anyone under 2 years old, and its bitter taste often requires it to be blended with sweeter herbs such as lemon balm.

7. Hops. Hops is a sleep-promoting herb that works directly on the nervous system. The herb also has a very aromatic quality, and some herbalists even recommend those who suffer from regular insomnia make pillows from it. Also ingested in teas, tinctures or pills, hops will take about a half hour to work.

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" Is anybody happier because you passed his way?

does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?

this day is almost over, and it's toiling time is through;

Is there anyone to utter now, a friendly word for you?

Can you say tonight in passing

With the day that slipped so fast,

That you helped a single person,

Of the many that you passed?

Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said?

Does one whose hope was fading, now with courage look ahead?

Think not on yesterday, not trouble borrow

On what may be in store for you tomorrow;

But let today be your incessant care-

The past is past; tomorrow's in the air.

Who gives today the best that in him lies

Will find the road that leads to clear skies."

- John Kendrick Bangs.

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Thank you for visiting my website today. I wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors. Please feel free to write or email me if you would like to learn more about how you can become an advocate for people with dyslexia.

My email:

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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