Information and Advice on Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities By a Dyslexic.
The information and advice on this site is provided by a dyslexic, giving inside knowledge on the various ways of coping with Dyslexia and Learning Disability.
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A common assumption about dyslexia is that it is characterized by reading words in reversed order, i.e., "was" looks like "saw." While this type of problem can be associated with dyslexia, the disorder cannot be explained simply as seeing letters backwards. Difficulties making the basic connection between symbols (letters) and their sounds mark dyslexia.
When most children learn to read, they use typical "decoding" skills: recognizing letters on sight and learning the sound each letter makes. Then, they begin to figure out (decode) what the letters will look and sound like when they are put together to form words. For people with dyslexia, the decoding process may be a challenge for several reasons. They may be unable to differentiate between certain sounds (such as "p" and "b"), or they may see the letters spaced incorrectly, like this:
Thew ord sare notsp aced cor rect ly Thewordsareallpushedtogether
The Dyslexic's mind thinks in pictures and wants to make a shape out of everything they see. This was useful in the case of Walt Disney, who was dyslexic and could use these pictures to draw his world for us. People with dyslexia may be able to hear and see perfectly well, but what they hear and see looks different and sounds different than it would to most people. Approximately five to ten percent of school-age children have some type of learning disability.
Typically, with dyslexia, there is a wide gap between IQ and school achievement. Often, the dyslexic child's ability to think creatively and abstractly is quite good, but his basic reading and spelling skills are weak. Sometimes, they have the feeling as if they are thinking in German, speaking in French, and writing in English. The word is a picture in their minds, the sound it makes is a feeling in their mouths and writing a word is picture they draw. Making connection between all three is sometime hard for the dyslexic.
A child with dyslexia who observes peers reading and making progress may feel "stupid" because he can't keep up. And as he continues to experience failure in the classroom, his self-esteem may take a beating. Educators emphasize the importance of identifying a learning disability as early as possible, so the child can begin to learn in alternative ways and achieve a degree of success in school.
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