Vol. 23

August 2023

The Future is US exists to fight for Galveston youth through community voice so future generations can meet their full potential.


The Future is US Strategic Planning 

In July, we held 2 strategic planning meetings facilitated by Tracie Jae of the Quiet Rebel LLC. 

July 15th, we met with our partners to clarify our mission, identify our core values, and identify what strategies we are going to pursue to "improve the mental health outcomes for Black youth in GISD on Galveston Island by addressing disparities in school discipline policies and actions. 

July 22nd, we invited community members to join us at Wright Cuney Rec Center to begin the discussion on how best to begin implementing the strategies. 

Celebration of Joy 

In honor of Minority Mental Health Awareness month, Community Engagement Lead Phylicia French and Co-Coordinator Shanice Blair hosted a Celebration of Joy!

Joined by Franklin Berry, Ashley Gooden Stewart, I'lasha James, and Walter Little Jr., our guests shared how they are able to choose joy and happiness in the face of adversity, what brings them happiness, and how resilience contributes to happiness. 

Due to technical difficulties, we have 2 videos for the night! Check em out! 

It Takes a Village 2023

Get ready for school with US at our 3rd annual It Takes a Village back to school event!

The day before school, The Future is US and our partners provide FREE haircuts, braids, hairstyles and school supplies

When: Sunday, August 20th 

Time: 8am-4pm *First come first serve*

Where: Noche' Berry's Salon and Club 68 @ 3106 Market St. Galveston, TX 77551

It REALLY Takes a Village 

Last year, over 145 students received new haircuts/braids and over 250 backpacks full of school supplies were given out! 

Want to join in on the fun in supporting our youth so they can be prepared and ready for a successful school year?

Sign up to volunteer with US here as a hairstylist https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10c0e4caeae23a3fecf8...

Or here to help US in other areas,   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4caeae23a3fecf8-2023#/

It truly takes a village as you can see from last year's recap video!

What is It Takes a Village? 

Franklin Berry, owner of Noche' Berry's Salon and Community Engagement Lead Phylicia French discussed all there is to know about It Takes a Village, how to get involved, and what to expect on the big day!

Freedom School 2023

It was another great summer of Nia Cultural Center's Freedom School!

Freedom School is a 6-week literacy and cultural enrichment program that encourages a positive outlook for reading, while increasing self-esteem. Hannah, Toby, and Zyhree are 3 Youth Advocates that take on the role of student interns for Freedom School! 

This year, Co-Coordinator Shanice was lucky enough to be in town and be a guest reader! Shanice read "The ABC's of Black History" to the young scholars. Like every year, there is always a Freedom School Finale where the scholars share how they have made a difference in themselves, their community, country, world, and hope for continued education and action! 

"ABC's of Black History" Read Aloud

Co-Coordinator Shanice and the Freedom School Scholars were a big fan of The ABC's of Black History! 

Check it out here for a read aloud! 

Youth Voice! 

Check out what this young writer thought about her experience at Nia Cultural Center's summer Freedom School! 

The Future is US Parent's Facebook Page 

Check out our Parent's page on Facebook to stay up to date on The Future is US events and let US know what YOU think as a parent/caregiver of students in Galveston county! 

When Community Action Task Force Lead, Phylicia French, isn't doing The Future is US duties and writing (she's an author too!), she is helping and empowering others! 

Affirmative Action Round Table 

Tune in to the African American Policy Forum hosted a rapid response Under the Black Light: Affirmative Action Decision Roundtable June 29th in response to the Supreme court's ruling that day. Listen to a panel of leading lawyers, scholars, activists and thought leaders as they offer a critical assessment of the decisions made in the Affirmative Action cases SFFA v. UNC Chapel-Hill and SFFA v. Harvard and what’s next for us. 

Tell US, what do YOU think?

Soul Food Sessions Survey

We began our Soul Food Sessions to talk about our black mental health needs in Galveston- what is here, what works, what can be better, what do we want and need more of?

Let US know what you think Galveston needs for black mental health

Community Assessment 

We want to know from the experts, those that live in Galveston county, why they believe black students are disproportionately removed from the classroom, what community factors influence our black students, and what YOU think should be done about it. 

FREE Books! 

The Books Beginning at Birth  program is a Texas state-wide program that provides young children, from the ages of 0-4 years of age, with up to 6 free in-print books, access to free digital books on their website b3tx.org, and access to helpful resources such as reading tips on how families can help foster a love of learning and reading in their home with their children.

The program is completely FREE to all Texas residents, all they require is a Texas address and zip code to send children their set of books in the mail!

You can register here, https://b3tx.org/

Weekly Zoom Storytime! 

Why is Reading Important? 

Authors Among US 

You can check it out here!

Learn everything there is to know about The Future is US! The magazine explains TFIU's founding, it's work in the Galveston community, and the future of TFIU. Please check it out and share with your friends and family.

Thank you all for your support!

Give US a Follow! 

What We're Reading & Listening To...

Check out what members of The Future is US are reading and listening to!

Gloucester Foundation Seeks Oral Histories About Education 

Co-Coordinator Shanice is on the Woodville Public Engagement Planning Committee in Gloucester, Virginia! 

The Woodville Rosenwald School Foundation in Gloucester County, VA, is collecting oral histories from people who attended, or whose family members attended, historically African-American schools in Gloucester County from 1871, when public schools first opened, until the year schools were integrated in 1968.

The Woodville School is the only remaining one of six Rosenwald schools built in Gloucester County in the 1920s and celebrates its 100th birthday this year—2023. The Foundation plans to open this historic building as a museum and community center once renovations are complete.

During the Great Migration, African-American families in Gloucester relocated to urban centers such as Washington, DC; Baltimore; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; and New York City to seek better employment and educational opportunities. The Foundation hopes to connect with this descendant community to add their stories to the archive.

For more information, and/or to share your experience, please contact the Foundation by email at info@woodvillerosenwaldschool.org.

Join US! 

Join Our Parent Advisory Council

Led by parent Clara Miller, our Parent Advisory Council meets Monday nights 

Join Our Policy Task Force

Become a TFIU Advocate

We are community led and driven and need YOU to make community change in Galveston!

There are multiple ways you can get involved and work directly with US in making Galveston a community for ALL. 

What are Restorative Practices?

Research has found that restorative practices are more effective than exclusionary discipline to address a student's need and improve a school's climate and safety. 

We want restorative practices to be implemented into policies at GISD so that students are helped instead of harmed. 

Amplify Restorative Justice uses episodes of Abbott Elementary (GREAT SHOW) to explain restorative justice practices when working with students dealing with behavior problems, taking criticism, and more! 

The Fight for True History

As the nation fights for control of the truth, here is a piece of history that we cannot forget.


"Sitting Down to Stand Up" Saturday August 12th 

Born on the island of Galveston, Texas in the projects of Palm Terrace during the end of World War II on August 3, 1943, Kelton Sams emerged as a beacon of hope and change in his community. From an early age, his precocious nature and natural leadership abilities were evident. At the age of 16, Kelton fearlessly led his classmates in multiple lunch-counter sit-ins, sparking a movement that ultimately resulted in the integration of whites and blacks on the island in April of 1960. 

Learn more about Mr. Kelton Sam Jr's legacy and story at the continuing Juneteenth Brown Bag Lecture Series! 

Book Discussion with G.I.V.E.R.S Texas August 13th

Join Galveston Island Voter Education Resource Services (G.I.V.E.R.S) Texas  

You can read How the Word is Passed by Clint Smith  here! 

Galveston County Back to School Resources

Stay up to date on the different resources available to families for the new school year with United Way of Galveston's website! 

FREE Sunrise and Sunset Beach Yoga!

FREE sunrise and sunset yoga classes in Galveston on East Beach throughout the month of May from the Galveston County Community Coalition! 

NO registration required! 

Big Brothers, Big Sisters Needs Mentors!

From BBBS:

We offer a variety of mentor opportunities. Click below for additional information.

School-based mentorship: Click here for more information.

Community-based mentorship: Click here for more information.

Each match is supported by a dedicated Match Support Specialist who is always there to provide resources and support specific to the Little’s age. With a Big in their life, Littles in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program are empowered to ignite their potential as they grow in their self-esteem, earn better grades, and develop a lifelong friendship with their Big.

Hooked On Reading 

Galveston's 61st Street Fishing Pier has a reading log for children 5-12! 

Read 10 books and bring their completed log to the pier and receive a FREE child's admission and one adult/chaperone admission!

1000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Did you know that by reading and sharing stories with babies and young children not only helps their brain development, but strengthens your relationship with them? Research has found that reading and story telling:

Sign up today for Rosenberg Library's Reading Challenge!


All Africans Should Condemn the Call for an ECOWAS-led Military Invasion of Niger

The Africa Team of the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and the U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) condemn the threats of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to lead a military intervention into Niger. We believe this would be an act of subservience to U.S./EU/NATO interests. As Western imperialism seems to be losing its neo-colonialist grip on Africa, it is trying to expand its use of puppets and proxies to undermine resistance.

The military coup in Niger on July 26 deposed President Mohamed Bazoum and installed General Abdourahamane Tchiani as the country's new leader. In power since 2021, Bazoum and his party were reliable servants of French and U.S. imperialism. This may help explain why the United States and its NATO allies seemed overly concerned about this particular coup.

The West’s hypocritical claims of standing for “democracy” in Niger fall flat when compared to its response to the military coup in Sudan as well as the political repression faced by the popular movement in that country. The United States (and its Western partners) has had a hand in orchestrating countless coups in Africa, such as those against democratically elected leaders Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso, to name a few.

The objective of the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination is colonial control of Niger and the Sahel region. France and other EU countries rely on Niger for 15-30 percent of their uranium imports, critical to Europe's nuclear energy sector. Meanwhile, the majority of Niger’s population doesn’t even have access to electricity. Furthermore, Niger is the last state in West Africa where a large number of Western soldiers are stationed under the U.S. “War on Terror” regime. The $100 million U.S. base in Agadez, Niger, is where the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) operates its drones, and is just one such AFRICOM facility in that country.

As Ezra Otieno, member of the Revolutionary Socialist League in Kenya and BAP’s U.S. Out of Africa Network Steering Committee, says:

“For all of these factors, France, the EU, and the U.S. are keen to maintain control over Niger. They aim to push the new authorities to restore their puppet Bazoum or to reach an arrangement with General Tchiani to maintain his predecessor's pro-Western stance. If these preparations fail within the next few days, Western imperialists want to intervene militarily with the support of their foot soldiers in the Nigeria-dominated ECOWAS bloc.”

It is clear that the United States and France have decided to draw a line here before France is expelled and U.S. interests are threatened. Without NATO, the United States or France, ECOWAS would not be able to intervene. It is telling that, of all the coups in Africa, ECOWAS is ready to intervene militarily in Niger. This is because their masters in the West demand it. Apparently, ECOWAS member states have chosen servitude to imperialism over the people's will.

In Haiti, the imperialists use Kenya and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as cover for their intervention. To do the same for the coup in Niger, they have the President of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, and ECOWAS. Now they are facing a united front composed of Burkina Faso, and Mali, whose leadership have all expressed support for Niger’s sovereignty. While the CNRD of Guinea, Comité national du rassemblement et du développement (National Committee of Reconciliation and Development) is not part of the front, their Spokesperson, Aminata Diallo said that if “…requested by ECOWAS to send troops that we would refuse…”

ECOWAS is working as a comprador structure, along with the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), which has levied financial sanctions against Niger and the coup leaders. The situation in Niger demands an African response, not the imperialist-led and anti-people militarized one suggested by members of ECOWAS.

The Black Alliance for Peace October 2023 International Month of Action against western militarization of the African continent, demanding that the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) is shut down, will be more important than ever before. The annual Month of Action is an opportunity for political education and action that links the domestic war being waged against African peoples in the United States with the war that the United States wages on the continent of Africa and globally.

From Haiti to Niger and beyond, we must build an understanding of Pan-Africanism and illuminate the interdependent geo-political and economic interests among African/Black people in Haiti, the Americas, the African continent, and among those domestically colonized in the enclaves of the imperialist countries.

No to imperialism in Black face. Yes to Pan-African self-determination. U.S. Out of Africa!


Black to the Future! (Black History Lessons)

The Sugar Land 95

TFIU School Board Watch Doc!

The Future is Us’ critical goal is to effectuate policy change in GISD, so that black students, and ultimately, all children receive a quality education. However, institutional power can be adversarial at times. Therefore, it is compulsory to us as parents, youth, and Galveston community members to hold our local institutions and Board of Trustees accountable.

Through a collaborative effort, TFIU created and is making available our The Future is US SCHOOL BOARD WATCH Document. With this self-explanatory document, any interested community member can attend or watch a school board meeting, and record detailed notes and minutes, as well as assess, in real time, the quality of content in the meeting.

Once completed, please e-mail the document to info@thefutureisus.co. We will compile the information so that we can become better equipped and more effective in our advocacy for positive change and creating better GISD schools.

Thank you all in advance for your support and dedication to making sure all of Galveston’s students get the best education possible!

Upcoming Board Meetings: 

Check here for all GISD Board of Trustees meetings!

Check out the TFIU Toolkit!

More Upcoming Dates!

Next Steps!

You're on your phone anyway...

Follow these accounts for continued education and exposure!

Antiracism Daily

Vision Galveston

Culturally Competent Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

The School-to-Prison Pipeline

There are lots of ways you can make a difference in the community! 

GISD School Board Connection

Find all GISD meeting notes and minutes, here!

View all of the GISD Board of Trustees meetings here!

TFIU Co-coordinators' Research Announcement!

Blair-Warren Research Project

Research and Study Announcement

Title: Engaging in advocacy and activism to positively increase mental health

The goal of this research is to increase the awareness and research into the efficacy of promoting actions and/or counter-actions against an oppressive state or oppressive state institutions in order to positively increase the mental health of actor/counter-actor. In order for this to happen, we analyze historical and contemporary first-hand accounts, third-party accounts, as well as contemporary research and interviews. The results of this research will provide an effective prescriptive, and ultimately, a pathway to alleviating many pathologies that affect BIPOC populations.

The literature review and results of this research will show that based on unique and situational context, counter-actors can find a way to counter the pathologies of living under oppressive conditions. Colonialism and its mental health effects, through its oppressive tactics and practices vary in every situation. Oppressed peoples in each of those situations determine their ideal method(s) to rid themselves of colonialism. Building off the Cycle of Liberation, we flattened it into two levels: intrapersonal and interpersonal.  Subsequently, we want to add two additional levels to address higher intensity actions/counter-actions: insurgency and revolution.

Suggested uses for this research include mental health professionals, especially those whose work involves or focuses on BIPOC populations, mental health researchers, and advocates and activists. This research will lead to better mental health interventions and practices to address the mental health needs of the most vulnerable populations

Shanice Blair L.P.C.A.

Jonathan Warren, J.D. 

In Memoriam

Julenne Andrisee Faith Brown

October 25, 1985 - August 29, 2021