Vol. 19

April 2023

The Future is US exists to fight for Galveston youth through community voice so future generations can meet their full potential.


Women Empowerment 

TFIU partnered with Communities in Schools to hold an Entrepreneurs and Professionals Expo at Ball High School. It was a fantastic opportunity for students to connect and learn from women in the community during Women's History Month!

Phylicia French, our Community Engagement Lead to held a very inspiring and soul enriching event, What A Woman: Sis, You are the Universe at Wright Cuney. Phylicia shared from her book, "Sis, You are the Universe"  and the ladies shared their power and strength! 

It is wonderful seeing so many women that are inspired to support Galveston's youth and families!

Books & Breakfast at Rosemberg Library

March 29th we had a fantastic time at the Rosenberg Library with their Children's Department and Nia Cultural Center for an evening Books & Breakfast! It was a family fun night of crafts, reading, breakfast for dinner, and joy! The Children's Department lead activities and Nia Cultural Center provided each child with a book to take home for their home library! 

What's more, Busy Bee Taxi provided free rides for Galveston island families to attend! THAT'S COMMUNITY COMING TOGETHER FOR EACH OTHER! 

Join us again April 25th for Books & Breakfast! 

Why is Reading Important? 

Give US a Follow! 

Your VOICE Matters! 

We as citizens have a RIGHT to provide input on certain things that are being proposed by government and city officials. 

ANYONE can comment and your comments are an opportunity to share your perspective and expertise as a person in the community, 

provide feedback, offer alternatives, and point out blind spots that they may be missing.

Join our Policy Task Force Monday, April 17th at 7pm via livestream on FAcebook, Twitter, & Youtube to learn more about waht a public comment is, how they work, how to sign up to make one, and tips on making an impactful public comment! 

Register here, tinyurl.com/TFIUworkshopApril23 or scan the QR code! 

Need a laptop? 

Burnet Elementary Needs Your Help

Burnet Elementary students need us! Mr. Ronald Caraway wiht Communities in Schools is collecting toiletries for Burnet students. Mr. Caraway has shared that Burnet students are in need of:


Shower caps


Mouth wash



Wet wipes 

Donations can be dropped off/sent to Burnet Elementary addressed to Ronald Caraway at Communities in Schools. 

88th Texas Legislative Session

Staying informed about what is happening in the Legislature is a key step to advocacy. 

Check out what bills related to educational equity are being moved through the legislative process now. 

Track the 88th Texas Legislature Education Bills 

What We're Reading & Listening To...

Check out what members of The Future is US are reading and listening to!

Join US! 

Join Our Parent Advisory Council

Led by parent Clara Miller, our Parent Advisory Council meets Monday nights 

Join Our Policy Task Force

The Future is US Policy Task Force will meet at its new time this Wednesday via zoom from 4:00pm-4:40pm. This meeting occurs weekly and is open to all. Register at tinyurl.com/PolicyInterestForm to receive updates, agenda, and meeting link. 

Who is the Policy Task Force?

The Policy Task Force (PTF) is an arm of The Future is US initiative based in Galveston, TX comprised of students, parents, and other community stakeholders and advocates


What is it designed to do?

The PTF is designed to facilitate policy change within the areas of social determinants of health pertaining to Arts & Cultural Expression, Social Networks & Trust, and Norms & Culture through community voices and the redistribution of decision-making to the communities most affected by the decisions being made. 



·        Educating, organizing, and mobilizing students, parents, and community members to advocate for policy change and increase public awareness of current policies pertaining to school discipline, Arts & Cultural Expression, Social Networks & Trust, and Norms & Culture. 

·        Provide free, accessible educational content and opportunities on what policy is; how policy affects us; the relationship between data and policy; policy analysis; stages of policy making; how to advocate for policy change; advocacy through art; stages of policy change; rhetoric and composition; writing for justice; and civil discourse.

·        Educating about and facilitating access to existing policies connected to school discipline; Arts & Cultural Expression; Social Networks & Trust; and Norms & Culture

·        Facilitating opportunities for advocacy and actionable, measurable works to achieve institutional and structural policy changes that promote positive health outcomes for all youth and families in Galveston. 

·        Creating public documents including policy briefs, policy recommendations, and policy reviews.

·        Education and capacity building around methods of policy advocacy and raising public awareness

·        Supporting financial and structural sustainability of TFIU.

Become a TFIU Advocate

We are community led and driven and need YOU to make community change in Galveston!

There are multiple ways you can get involved and work directly with US in making Galveston a community for ALL. 

What Is Implicit Bias? 

One believed reason that black students are treated differently in school is due to implicit bias. 

We all have biases, they develop because of our environment, experiences, and what we are exposed to. However, it is important for us to understand what our biases are, and why, so that we can change how we treat and perceive others. 

 Healthy Snack Booth at Central Middle School

The Future is US, Central PTO, and Galveston's Own Farmer's Market's Real Food Project are continuing to provide healthy and free snacks to Central Middle School students the 2nd Thursday of every month.

Want to get in on the fun? Join US and sign up here  to volunteer in baking goods, purchasing snacks, or helping us distribute them to the hungry students! 


National Public Health Week at UTMB

From UTMB: Next week is National Public Health Week and UTMB SPPH would like to invite you to attend any of our scheduled events. If you’re in the area, we’d love to see you for one or both of the in-person events! If you would like more details, please feel free to reach out!

Mark Your Calendars For April 8th! 

Big Brothers, Big Sisters Needs Mentors!

From BBBS:

We offer a variety of mentor opportunities. Click below for additional information.

School-based mentorship: Click here for more information.

Community-based mentorship: Click here for more information.

Each match is supported by a dedicated Match Support Specialist who is always there to provide resources and support specific to the Little’s age. With a Big in their life, Littles in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program are empowered to ignite their potential as they grow in their self-esteem, earn better grades, and develop a lifelong friendship with their Big.

Juneteenth Is Just Around the Corner

Galveston Queers & Allies 

Hooked On Reading 

Galveston's 61st Street Fishing Pier has a reading log for children 5-12! 

Read 10 books and bring their completed log to the pier and receive a FREE child's admission and one adult/chaperone admission!

1000 Books Before Kindergarten!

Did you know that by reading and sharing stories with babies and young children not only helps their brain development, but strengthens your relationship with them? Research has found that reading and story telling:

Sign up today for Rosenberg Library's Reading Challenge!

Nia Cultural Center's Harambee

Harambee means let's all pull together. 

The way Harambee for Galveston's Youngest Citizens plans on pulling together is through our new program designed to assist families with Black Galveston's children ages 0 to 3 by paying parents, grandparents, and guardians $30/hour to enroll and participate in our community's children's brain development support classes. Participants then give feedback on their experience through shared decision making on how we can increase appeal and cultural relevance in these classes. Local data shows that Galveston's black children consistently experience disadvantages when it comes to health and education. Through this program we will pull together alongside our parents, guardians, and partners to bring better access for local resources. 

For more information and to register,  visit Harambee Interest Form.


AFRICOM Watch Bulletin #45

Nigeria has imperial and neocolonial trappings it must acknowledge and vehemently reject. This includes surrendering decision making about financial and credit facilities or political organization to the West, which has a significant impact on the actions of those who take political office in the country. The United States is an imperial power that operates through its neo-colonial subjects and its control over imperialist structures, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, as well as through its control over the politicians in office.

Nigerian sovereignty is reduced to mere “flag independence” because of U.S. external-policy interference and economic control. This allows the space for Nigerian elites to engage in wrongdoing—whether by corruption, nepotism or human-rights abuses. We must contextualize these instances in terms of how Western corporations and governments often enable (and encourage) such actions to preserve lucrative economic arrangements.

General elections will be held in Nigeria on February 25 to elect the president and vice president, as well as members of the Senate and House of Representatives. These elections will take place amid an unprecedented state of general crisis. Any politician or party coming into power will have to contend with an ongoing capitalist crisis. The response of any neo-colonial government is likely to  be to tighten fiscal consolidation on behalf of big business. The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) and its U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN) must support the antithesis of neo-colonial governance, which are self-determination and bottom-up, participatory democratic processes.

Original link: https://blackallianceforpeace.com/africomwatchbulletin/edition45 


Black to the Future! (Black History Lessons)

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome

The above is a snippet of Dr. Degruy discussing the origin of gynecology from a doctor named James Marion Sims. A gut-wrenching eye opener on how gynecology first came to be. Dr. Degruy is the author of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome.

TFIU School Board Watch Doc!

The Future is Us’ critical goal is to effectuate policy change in GISD, so that black students, and ultimately, all children receive a quality education. However, institutional power can be adversarial at times. Therefore, it is compulsory to us as parents, youth, and Galveston community members to hold our local institutions and Board of Trustees accountable.

Through a collaborative effort, TFIU created and is making available our The Future is US SCHOOL BOARD WATCH Document. With this self-explanatory document, any interested community member can attend or watch a school board meeting, and record detailed notes and minutes, as well as assess, in real time, the quality of content in the meeting.

Once completed, please e-mail the document to info@thefutureisus.co. We will compile the information so that we can become better equipped and more effective in our advocacy for positive change and creating better GISD schools.

Thank you all in advance for your support and dedication to making sure all of Galveston’s students get the best education possible!

Upcoming Board Meetings: 

Check here for all GISD Board of Trustees meetings!

Check out the TFIU Toolkit!

More Upcoming Dates!

Next Steps!

You're on your phone anyway...

Follow these accounts for continued education and exposure!

Antiracism Daily

Vision Galveston

Culturally Competent Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

The School-to-Prison Pipeline

There are lots of ways you can make a difference in the community! 

GISD School Board Connection

Find all GISD meeting notes and minutes, here!

View all of the GISD Board of Trustees meetings here!

In Memoriam

Julenne Andrisee Faith Brown

October 25, 1985 - August 29, 2021