Enrichment Return FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to wait until the end of the school year to return items I no longer want to store in my home or we are no longer using?

A: You are able to return any time. We encourage you to return any items you are no longer using.

Q: How do I request a shipping label to return items that are not library items?

A: If you would like to request a return label for previously ordered enrichment items, you can go to Procurify and request a shipping label under the product catalog (select "Enrichment Returns Shipping"). Please make sure to include a return form for each student with each return. You can find the return form under the "Enrichment Returns" page.

Q: I don’t want to pay for shipping, can I still return my items at any time?

A: You are able to return items at either of our library locations all throughout the school year, even in summer. Please see our "Events" tab and the calendar that states our current open hours before making the trip. You are also able to return to your teacher of record who can assist with your returns as well.

Q: How will my HST know if I have returned items from my inventory list to one of the Lending Library locations?

A: Once we have received your return at a library location, our librarian will look through the package and mark that it has been received on the return form that you will provide with the items you are returning. When the librarian has noted the return, they will send your complete return form to your HST and your HST will note on your inventory list that the items have been received.