History - Middle School

This year Birch Middle School students studied the first half of the 20th Century- a time of radical change, economic catastrophe, America's recovery and World War.

Students researched various aspects of the period: Social change for women, changing technology and manufacturing, World War I, the African American experience, Jim Crow and the Great Migration, and studied The Great Depression, the New Deal, World War II. the creation of the UN and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The following presentations document their research.

Isaac World War II Weapons and Technology
Copy of Violet Women in WWII
Allie Women's early 20th century fashions
Giuliana- women's rights 19th Amendment
Copy of Connor Prohibition & Gangsters
Zen 1920s fashion
Jay Great Migration
Oscar Prohibition
Oliver Gangsters
Tom Military Technology of WWI
Copy of Bowie Art in the Great Migration
Juniper- Changing fashions
Evan Three New Deal Agencies
Freya- fascism in Germany