Advanced Math Program

Advanced Math Program: Grades 6-8

Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students involved in advanced math, including the students identified for an acceleration to Geometry as eighth graders, will have instruction paced in an effort to concentrate students' ability and talent in the discipline of mathematics. The design of the program is exemplified by discovery learning, looking for underlying principles, problem solving, discovering formulas, investigating patterns and organizing data to find relationships. Students' course work is accelerated and is as follows:

Grade 6 (Advanced and Geometry Cohort): Grade 6 and 7 Mathematics

Grade 7: Advanced: Grade 8 Mathematics

Geometry Cohort: Algebra I

Grade 8: Advanced: Algebra 1

Geometry Cohort: Honors Geometry

Grade 6:

Advanced and Geometry Cohort Students: Grade 6 and 7 Mathematics

GRade 7:

Advanced Students: Grade 8 Mathematics

Geometry Cohort Students: Algebra 1

Grade 8:

Advanced Students: Algebra 1

Geometry Cohort Students: Geometry - Honors