Green Schoolyards Indicators: Statewide Analysis

Data Last Updated - June 2024


Purpose and Overview

Video Overview for the schoolyard greening data indicator page

The Children and Nature Network has defined schoolyard greening to be the inclusion of nature filled elements in school grounds such as outdoor classrooms, native gardens, stormwater capture, nature play areas, vegetable gardens, trails, trees and micro forests, water features, and more. According to Sharon Danks at Green Schoolyards America, Green Schoolyards (or living school grounds) are therefore rich outdoor environments that strengthen local ecological systems, provide hands-on learning resources that lead to academic achievement, and foster a wide range of play and social opportunities while enhancing health and well-being. 

The purpose of the data indicators on this segment of the district indicators is to show high level data on the current status of different aspects of schoolyard greening - in particular gardens and schoolyard forests - across California’s TK–12 school districts.  

Key Questions

PRIMARY (CORE) QUESTION: Which school districts across California have made investments in green schoolyard elements such as school gardens and schoolyard forests, and/or which districts have made investments in utilizing schoolyard greening for educational purposes?

Additional questions include, but are not limited to the following:

Data Methodology

DATA SET OVERVIEW AND COLLECTION METHODOLOGY: The data for these indicators is a mix of publicly available data, and data validated from an individual survey sent out to every school district. 


Garden Visualizations Walkthrough.webm

This video provides a walkthrough of how to utilize the interactive visuals on this page. It includes how to use the filters in order to  compare the investments in green schoolyards by geographic areas, as well as scale and equity factors.

Green Schoolyard Visuals and Findings

The visualization below shows the total number of districts (yellow bar) compared to the number of districts showing the following evidence of green schoolyards:

The filters on the right can be used to sort the data by region, county, size of district, average percent unduplicated students, and average pollution burden. As the filters are used, the total number of districts will change to reflect the total number in that filtered group to allow for comparison against the indicators of a green schoolyard in that filtered group.

Key Takeaways: 

Green Schoolyard Visuals and Findings: Distribution by Region

In the visualization below, you can see the data broken down by CA County Superintendent (CCS - formerly CCESSA) Region (see the map below for details). The filter to the right of the pie chart allows the following indicators to be selected:

Changing the filter will change the pie chart to show the total number of districts with evidence of that indicator within the region.  Hovering over each section of the pie chart will show more details about the region such as the total number of districts, average pollution burden percentile, and average % unduplicated students. 

Summary of Findings: 

Green Schoolyard Visuals and Findings: 

Map of Districts with Evidence of School Gardens

The map below shows the districts with evidence of school gardens on at least one school site within the district. The filters to the right can narrow down the results in terms of scale, equity indicators, and other investments.

Summary of Findings: 

Green Schoolyard Visuals and Findings: 

Scale and Equity Comparison at the County Level

The visualization below shows a county-level summary of multiple variables related to scale and equity compared to the number of school districts who have evidence of school gardens.  The variables are as follows:

The average lines designate the average pollution burden percentile and average percent of unduplicated students across all of the counties.

Summary of Findings: 

Green Schoolyard District Level Data

Below, you can find the data for individual school districts across the state. The data are filterable by region, county, and district name using the dropdown lists to the right of the visualization. Districts with evidence of an indicator show the following colored bars:

Blanks in the columns designate that we were unable to find public evidence of the indicator(s).