Indicators for Environmental and Climate Action by District 

Last Updated - April 2024


The purpose of this data focus area is to identify to what extent each school district in California has made progress towards environmental and climate action based on common indicators that demonstrate some level of investment or prioritization of environmental and climate action (green schools efforts) within a school or district's campus, curriculum, community and culture. Example indicators include: Green Ribbon recognition, environmental and climate focused school board policies, facilities master plans and/or passed bond measures, investments in district-wide environmental and climate initiatives, and compensated staff to lead environmental and climate action. Learn more about the indicators in the the Glossary of Indicators. These indicators can serve as evidence of readiness or progress towards institutionalizing a district-wide commitment to environmental and climate action. 

Video Overview of District Data Sets

The data in the Indicators for Environmental and Climate Action in TK-12 Schools can be utilized at both the state and local level: 



All School Districts in California Summary and Analysis by Indicator: This page includes the scorecard and analysis by indicators for all of California's public school districts (nearly 1,000 district). This data focus area has been created to better understand the investments that all of California's public school districts have made in environmental and climate action across their campuses, curriculum, and overall community and culture. 

250 Largest School Districts Summary and Analysis by Indicator: The 250 largest school districts in California account for 80 percent of the overall TK–12 student population in California public schools. Explore the data for the 250 largest school districts to better understand the investments these districts have made in environmental and climate action across their campuses, curriculum, and overall community and culture. 


Note this is a work in progress and we only have some example counties available at this time!

Please reach out ( if you are working at the county level and would like to talk with us about your county's data. 

The data set in this segment is organized by county regions with the intention of providing relevant information to county offices of education and community-based partners to better understand how action is taking place across a county region, according to specific indicators. The data in this project can be used for a number of purposes including but not limited to the following:

Example Reports:  Note that other counties are coming soon!

Additional Related Data Sets - Detail Indicator Analysis

Detailed Indicator Data Set: California Green Ribbon Analysis

The Green Ribbon Schools program is the only federally and state-recognized program that provides criteria for what qualifies as a “green” school - or a school that has committed to taking environmental and climate action.  Recognition in this program means that a school or district has completed a baseline assessment of current environmental literacy and sustainability efforts and has made progress towards using a whole systems approach (campus, curriculum, and community and culture) for environmental and climate action. This data initiative includes an in-depth analysis of California Green Ribbon since 2014. 

--> To explore the data visit the CA Green Ribbon Analysis Page

Detailed Indicator Data Set: Schoolyard Greening Data and Analysis

Green schoolyards are school grounds that include nature filled elements such as outdoor classrooms, native and/or edible gardens, stormwater capture, nature play areas, trails, trees and micro forests, water features, and more. These rich outdoor environments strengthen local ecological systems and have many academic and health and well-being benefits for students and their educators. This data analysis shows the high level data on the current status of different aspects of schoolyard greening - in particular gardens and schoolyard forests - across California’s TK–12 school districts.  

--> To explore the data visit the Schoolyard Greening Data Indicator page