Maugham Elementary 

Aerial-view drawing of a proposed addition at Maugham Elementary School.

Maugham Site Plan

Small addition for more instructional space at the backside of the building

Concept drawing of Maugham Elementary School with small addition small addition (on top of the 2002 addition) among the proposed improvements.

Maugham Concept Drawing

Concept drawing of the one-story addition (on top of the 2002 addition) 

At our elementary schools, individualized instruction often takes place in converted spaces to serve as a teaching environment like the end of a hallway, near a stairwell.

Improved Instructional Spaces

Adequate space for small-group services like Basic Skills, Resource Room, occupational and physical therapies

School entrance without a physical barrier to the main building. Two-stage security vestibules are proposed for every school.

Security Updates

Two-stage entrances, protective bollards, shatter-resistant window film and improved exterior doors

The existing synthetic turf field at Maugham Elementary School is worn.

Turf Field Replacement

Replacement of existing, worn synthetic turf field 

See other projects planned for Maugham Elementary