VITA Cloud Solutions

What is the VITA contract?

VITA has entered into a Master Services Agreement (MSA) contract with Tempus Nova, a Google Premier Partner, and a certified SWaM supplier for the Commonwealth of Virginia, to provide public body entities with Google solutions for messaging (email), collaboration (team and project sites), and mobile device management (MDM), and other third party products that integrate with Google.

"Public body" means any legislative, executive or judicial body, agency, office, department, authority, post, commission, committee, institution, board or political subdivision created by law to exercise some sovereign power or to perform some governmental duty, and empowered by law to undertake the activities described in this chapter. A public body is defined by §2.2-4301 and §2.2-2012 of the Code of Virginia and also includes private institutions of higher education. Please click the following links for additional information:

Private Institutions of Higher Education:

As part of this exciting contract, VITA has negotiated contractual terms and services discounts for deployment at below market prices. The G Suite solution (formerly Google Apps) is a secure cloud based messaging and collaboration solution that can replace many point solutions for far less than most organizations are currently paying.

By moving to the cloud, organizations can save money, increase productivity, ensure greater security, and enhance employee satisfaction. IT staff can be liberated from ongoing email server maintenance and weekly patches to focusing on mission critical activities. In many cases, year one of licenses and implementation services are paid for by the cost savings and cost avoidance from moving to to the Google solution. Our vendor Tempus Nova can assist your agency to complete an ROI analysis.

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