Classroom Expectations and Grading

Classroom Expectations
and Grading

In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose to be kind.

I expect you to be nice to each other, help each other out, and make the class an enjoyable learning experience for every one.

General Class Expectations:

Students are expected to regularly attend and participate in class, be engaged in all class activities and complete all assignments by the due date.  Students will write journal entries to reflect on their learning on a daily basis. 

Students shall follow the Acceptable Use Policy guidelines at all times.  Students are not to visit unauthorized websites or engage in unauthorized activities on the computer (i.e., NO GAMES).  Failure to comply with this may result in loss of privileges to use the computer and/or other technical equipment, as well as lowering the student’s grade.

Students are responsible for the safe use and return of equipment used in the class, including computers, laptops, printers, robotic kits, Arduino kits, and other items that may be used during the course.

General Grading Policies:

The student’s grade will be based on the following: 

Class Attendance and Participation – based on class performance, including student’s participation in class activities, willingness to help others, following directions, staying on task, and using their class time wisely.   Students are expected to help each other!

Preparation – based on the quality and timeliness of the completion of assignments done during class and for homework.

Attainment – based on work which demonstrates an understanding of knowledge including quizzes, projects, class work, and other assignments.