8th Grade - STEAM 8

STEAM 8 - Introduction to Robotics

Introduction to Robotics is an encore option for 8th graders.  Students will use the VEXIQ robot kits to build and program their robots.  Students learn how to assemble their robots and program them to perform specific required tasks.  We will be using the VEXcode IQ application to develop programs for the robots.  Students work with a partner to complete the tasks and challenge each other. 

Course Description/Goals:  

STEAM - 8 is a year long encore class that meets on alternating days (ACE or BDF).  This course introduces fundamental concepts in robotics and their programming through hands-on projects using VEXIQ robotic kits and VEXcode IQ  for programming.  For each lab, students will draft design specifications that will clearly define the goal that their robot must achieve and the process involved.  Throughout the course, basic concepts will be discussed such as coordinate transformations, path planning, sensors, kinematics, feedback and feed forward control.   

Google Classroom Codes:

Period 3 ACE:  ng47zug

Period 3 BDF:  cs6okxr

Course Objectives:  

Textbook & Materials:  Students will be provided with a VEXIQ Kit for use during the course.  Students will use the VEXIQ website to create their robotic designs.  Students will use the VEXcode IQ to program their robots.

Course Requirements and Expectations:  Students are expected to regularly attend and participate in class, be engaged in all class activities and complete all assignments by the due date.  Students will write journal entries to reflect on their learning on a daily basis. 

Students shall follow the Acceptable Use Policy guidelines at all times.  Students are not to visit unauthorized websites or engage in unauthorized activities on the computer (i.e., NO GAMES).  Failure to comply with this may result in loss of privileges to use the computer and/or other technical equipment, as well as lowering the student’s grade.

Students are responsible for the safe use and return of Robot kits and other equipment used in the class.  It is expected that the kits will be returned at the end of the year, disassembled and complete with all the parts that were provided.  Students are responsible for the care of the VEX IQ Robot kits and their complete return at the end of the school year.

Students will be expected to participate in the STEAM Fair in the Spring to present their final projects.

Units of Study: Introduction to Robots, Robot building, Robot programming, Robot testing and modifications.

Instructional Strategies:  Students will complete individual assignments in most cases, although there will be some activities that involve group work. Many of Teaneck’s Instructional strategies are incorporated in this class to address the students’ individual learning styles.  While this is a predominantly Project Based Course, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge by completing projects, activities and quizzes.

Grading Policies and Procedures:  The student’s grade will be based on the following: 

Extra Help:  Students are welcome and encouraged to ask for extra help when needed.

It is the student's responsibility to find out and make up all work that is missed during an absence from class. Students are encouraged to arrange a time with the teacher to work on projects /assignments as needed. All work is posted on our Google Classroom so that students can stay up to date in the event they are absent or miss a class.

Click here for copy of syllabus