Parents/ Guardians

The Syllabus, the Contact Information card, and the Student Safety Contract were sent home with your student on the first day your student attended class.

Students will not be able to start doing labs until all students turn in their contracts, which MUST be signed by students and parents/guardians.

Please, ask to see them. There is information YOU must fill out.

Science Syllabus (6th Grader)

Science Syllabus:

  1. English version.

  2. Versión en español. Aun no está disponible. Próximamente, en breve, pronto.

Social Studies Syllabus (7th Grader)

Social Studies Syllabus:

  1. English version.

  2. Versión en español. Aun no está disponible. Próximamente, en breve, pronto.

Student Laboratory Safety Contract - Science

(Contrato de seguridad de laboratorio para estudiantes - Ciencias Naturales)

  1. English:

Click the here to read it.

  1. Spanish - Versione en español:

Haga clic aquí para leerlo.

Parent Involvement Tips - National Education Association

Looking Forward To A Wonderful Year!