Toronto Public Library - FREE resources and programs!

Did you know that as long as you have an address in the city of Toronto you are eligible for a FREE library card with access to all their services? (scroll down from this site to find information in your language)

You can take computer classes and use their services, get access to Museum and Arts Passes, or get a digital access pass to be able to download resources on your phone or tablet.

They also have amazing, free programs for children and adults alike!

Make sure you use all the resources it has to offer!

Microsoft 365 - FREE for active TDSB students and staff

You can access Microsoft Office 365 for FREE as long as you are an active TDSB student.

Please click on thisMicrosoft Office link, and type in your *active* TDSB student email to access the program.

If you need help logging in to your TDSB account, see our "Tech Support" page for troubleshooting tips.

Export your TDSB Google Drive files

If you are an inactive student you cannot access any TDSB email / Google drive files

BEFORE you drop a course and become an inactive student, please use these instructions to transfer your existing Google Drive information to your personal files / email. This can be done through