Exhibit 37

Created by: Kenneth


Social media is a major source of misinformation which can spread easily and rapidly to millions of its users. This has been exploited by many politicians through attempts at public deception, helping them to improve their election or re-election chances. Because of this, we must be able to think critically, not just passively absorbing information on social media. We must assess the credibility of the sources of information and be able to identify possible biases.

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Exhibit 38

Created by: Pauline


Although media has positive benefits such as the ability to communicate and connect with relatives who live far away, it also has many negative impacts on a person’s family life, such as developing a lack of communication between the child and parent and in addition, feeling isolated as shown through the separation of the family in different rooms. As parents and children spend more time on social media, their family time decreases and is represented by the abandoned recreation room at the lower left side of the home.

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Exhibit 39

Created by: Javerya


Social media allows brands to sponsor posts to expand their outreach, but still be able to connect personally with their customers through online customer service. Use social media to reach your own targets. Whether you are looking to start a small business, become an influencer, or be a part of creating change, social media can help you reach many of your goals. Reaching out and finding others who are working towards similar goals and posting things that you are passionate about and believe in are just a few of the ways you can let your social media presence benefit you!

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Exhibit 40

Created by: Somaita


People have become addicted to their phones and forget about what happens in the real world. Currently, people jump at the sound of an Instagram or Snapchat notification, forgetting what they are doing at that instant. Many people have caused accidents due to unsafe driving, where they drive while using their phones without realizing the consequences of their actions. Driving while using a device leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Leading to a total of 390 000 injuries yearly.

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Exhibit 41

Created by: Gayathri


For high school students: Before you follow an influencer online, try to decide if they show good ethics as a person and as a marketer. Assess their honesty and responsibility as a public figure. With more morally aware social media users, this could potentially promote practices in social media marketing more than a content review system.

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Exhibit 42

Created by: Faizan


Social media and phones, in general, can be beneficial platforms, but oftentimes they are extremely addicting. Everyone around you has a phone and is on social media. Take a minute to reflect on how much time you might have wasted just scrolling through the social media you are currently on.

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Exhibit 43

Created by: Alex


People are addicted on social media apps and because of that it makes people more anxious have a lot more anxiety maybe even depressed. And the lines outside the phone are basically radiation or impact that’s having outside of the person, so if that person is feeling anxious, depressed, sad it’s not only going to impact him but the people around him.

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Exhibit 44

Created by: Aaliyah


My message is that addiction does not only correlate with drugs and substances but can also be done with social media.

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Exhibit 45

Created by: Eman


My design shows the world we perceive on our phones, compared to the brutal reality that is currently ongoing in the world. In order to make a difference we must start by using social media to spread awareness and stop caring about the lives of celebrities. By using social media, awareness can be spread regarding what has to be done in order for mankind to keep striving and moving forward.

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Exhibit 46

Created by: Angela


Social media has taken a toll on people’s trust and ability to be comforted by another individual and on people’s mental health. Social media creates a huge comparison factor to people's lives. Everyone falls into a trap and tries to over shadow one another by making their life seem “more fun”. The comparisons take a hit at one's self esteem and can make an individual feel like they are not worth it.

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Exhibit 47

Created by: Adam


We are shortening this planet's lifespan. Every year, 4.6 million people die from causes that are attributable to air pollution and the essentials for living is air and water. We can stop it now through the use of renewable energy before the change is irreversible and then live a happy, blue life instead of a gray one. #blueskylife

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