Mentorship & Support

YMCA Youth Transition Program

Are you finding the transition from grade 8 to 9 difficult? Perhaps thinking about leaving high school gives you a bit of anxiety?

The Youth Transitions Program (TYP) aims to provide youth between the ages of 12-19 with resources and support during stressful stages of transition in order to help you meet your future goals. TYP can help you with your post-secondary goals by providing you with information on the various options available to you after you leave high school as well as offering support in a number of areas relating to the transition to adulthood:

  • life skills,

  • emotional wellbeing

  • nutrition

  • financial literacy

  • pre-employment support

TYP can also provide support to you if you are struggling with social or academic elements of high school.

There is NO COST for participation in the Youth Transitions Program. Services can be accessed in person, or virtually, through one-to-one interactions or in group sessions - whatever works best for you!

Interested? Check out the flyer below.

Youth Transitions Program Flyer A.S.pdf