Student Resources

Academic & Career Exploration

Unless you have always known the occupation you wanted to pursue, you are likely to be like most students in high school - you're not sure what you want to do after you graduate.

Deciding upon an occupation that is the right 'fit' for you requires knowing yourself first. What motivates you? What values do you hold that influence your actions? What are your interests, skills and aptitudes? When you research various occupations in what ways do they match you and build upon your strengths? What is the education pathway required for such an occupation?

Finding an occupation that suits you involves introspection, research and reflection and this process should begin in grade 9 and continue until you are ready to decide post-secondary options in the fall of your final grade 12 year.

Here is a compilation of website links to assist you with this process.

Physical & Mental Health

  • Mental health is your level of overall wellness mentally and emotionally. Mental health conditions are those that affect the mind.

  • Physical health includes the status of your body, both inside and out.

Physical and emotional health are interconnected. We know that mental health issues can affect our physical health (think stress impacting our sleep and eating for example). The reverse is also true, in that physical ailments can impact our mental and emotional well-being.

We need to take care of both our physical and mental health. Check out the compilation of sites to address your physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Go to the Mental Health and Well-Being page for more resources.