

Eligibility for Summer School

1. Students who want to take a full credit course - providing the course they want to take in summer school is NOT one that they have already selected to take at SATEC for the 2024-2025 school year.

2. Students who have been unsuccessful in a course this year and would like to take it again in full.  

3. Students who were unsuccessful in a course in the last two years and want to recover the credit

Types of Summer School Programming

1. Full Credit eLearning Courses - totally asynchronous 

     Registration Opens TBD

2. Full Credit Continuing Education Courses either in person, or remote synchronous 

    Registration Opens TBD

3. Credit Recovery Courses - remote synchronous only

    Registration Opens TBD


Steps to Take to Register

STEP 1: Review the information in the attachment TDSB Summer School Programs - 4 Options for Summer 2023. Links for each of the programs and the course offerings can be found in this document.

STEP 2: Contact your guidance counsellor about your summer school plans.

STEP 3: Complete the online registration (if you are taking both civics and career studies you will need to complete a separate online registration for each course.)

STEP 4: After Registering... You will receive a ‘Course Request Received’ email with the Parent/Guardian Consent form as an attachment. Complete the consent form and have your parent/caregiver sign it. Be sure to check your Junk Mail and Spam folders in case the email winds up there.

STEP 5: Submit the completed Parent/Guardian Consent form to your guidance counsellor to approve or deny your request. This is an extremely important part of this process because your counsellor requires this form to change your status from ‘registered’ in the course to ‘enrolled’ in the course. If you do not complete Step 5, you will not

have a seat in the summer school program.

Ways to Submit the Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Consent Form

● Scan the form(s) and email it as a PDF attachment, OR

● Take a photo of the completed consent form and email it as

a JPEG or PNG file. Please ensure the content of the photo is readable, OR

● Drop your permission form into the Guidance Drop-off box on the table outside of the guidance office.

Note: If you are emailing us your summer school permission form, please name the file using the following format:

  Last name, First Name - Course code

      e.g. Khan, Josie - MTH1W1

As a reminder here are the guidance counsellors at SATEC:

A to G and Z -    Mr. Marino   -

H to N  -      Ms. Rayner   -

O to Y   -     Ms. Huang   -

Dec. 20/22



The TDSB has received Ministry funding for tutoring programs so now students will now have access to FREE, UNLIMITED, ONLINE tutoring, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The TDSB is also working with a number of agencies to provide FREE, COMMUNITY-BASED tutoring services to students in their neighbourhoods. 

Details and contact information can be found on the Tutoring Assistance page 


Central e-Learning Day School (eLDS) Courses for Semester 2

 The Semester 2 e-Learning Day School program includes Grade 11 and 12 courses in a variety of subject areas. 

 Please note:

It is important to read the attached information sheet carefully if you are interested in a day school e-learning course in semester 2.

Registration Information for Semester 2 eLDS Courses:

Steps for Students:

2022-23 e-Learning Day School Program and Registration Information S2.pdf

November 29/22



Students who are in grade 11 or 12 and who need a course but were unable to get it, either because it is not running at SATEC or it is running but there are no seats available, may want to consider checking the selection of night school courses that the TDSB's Continuing Education Department is offering for semester 2. Both in-person and a remote delivery model are being offered. Students who wish to repeat a course previously attempted may consider these options as well.  


SEMESTER 2 CREDIT RECOVERY NIGHT SCHOOL – REGISTRATION OPENS Dec. 1st at 10 am and closes Feb.10/23 at 10 am

The Toronto District School Board is offering current TDSB students the opportunity to recover one or two credits at night school. Remote Night School Credit Recovery courses are open to current TDSB high school students who have taken the course in the past two years but have not earned the credit. All classes are remote.

Students in grade 9 or 10 who think they may not be able to pass one or two of your compulsory courses, should consider registering for the credit recovery program. Credit recovery is also available to students in grade 11 for math and grades 11 and 12 for English. Space in the courses is limited and will fill up prior to the close of registration.

All information can be found at as well as in the Guidance Google classrooms.

November 9/22


Join us anytime from 4:30 pm to 7 pm on Monday November 14th for our annual Post-Secondary Fair. Meet representatives from colleges and universities from Southern Ontario. Learn about programs and student life; have your questions answered. Students from all grades are encouraged to attend. It is never too early to begin post-secondary exploration! Bring your parents, guardians and caregivers.

Post-Secondary Fair Flyer 2022.pdf

October 6/22


Today, the guidance department presented a slideshow and information to grade 12 students to assist them with their post-secondary plans - whether that be to go to college, university, explore an apprenticeship or take a gap year to travel and/or work in the paid labour force.

Please begin your research now so that you will be ready to take the next steps prior to the established deadlines for your desired post-secondary pathway.

Post-Secondary Planning Presentation 2022.pptx

Sept. 29/22


Today, the guidance department gave this presentation to grade 9 students on what is involved in achieving the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and the services that guidance counsellors can provide.

Grade 9 Orientation2022-23.pdf


Effective September 19th, 2022, the Guidance department will be returning to appointment-based guidance visits during the instructional day. Students who want an appointment with their guidance counsellor, will need to complete the Guidance Appointment Request Form for their particular counsellor. 

Guidance counsellors see students according to their last name. You can get the Guidance Appointment Request form here:

Student Last Name /  Counsellor

A to G & Z     -            Mr. Marino

H to N           -            Ms. Noble

O to Y           -             Ms. McVannell

Students will also find the Guidance Appointment Request Forms in the Classwork Tab in each of the Guidance Google Classrooms. Students are asked not to request an appointment at a time when they know they have a test, quiz or presentation.

Once the guidance counsellor receives a Google Form request from a student they will send the student a confirmation email of their appointment. Student will be required to show this to their teacher to be excused from class for the duration of their appointment. Except for crisis situations, guidance counsellors will not be able to see students during the instructional day without an appointment.

Walk-in sessions will be available 15 minutes at the start of lunch for students wanting to see a guidance counsellor (no appointment is necessary). Walk-in sessions are available from Monday to Thursday, but not on Fridays (to allow counsellors to meet on a regular basis).

September 2022

Important School Start Up Information for Students

Welcome back to school. 

The beginning of a new school year presents numerous start-up challenges. We will be addressing these challenges in a structured and systematic way. While we are doing so, guidance counsellors will be unable to respond to individual requests from students. Please read the information contained here carefully so that you understand how counsellors will be addressing student concerns for the start of the year.

June 29/22

Summer School Contact Information

Are you taking a summer course with the TDSB? Do you need to make an inquiry or drop a course after July 4th. Here is the contact list for the staff connected with the summer programming.

June 17/22

Student Timetables for 2022-2023

Please note that TDSB has moved to a new web-based student information system to manage all student records and scheduling requirements.  The scheduling and timetabling for next year is a critical step before guidance counsellors can address conflicts with individual timetables.  It was hoped that we would have had a window of opportunity to deal with individual student timetable concerns before the end of this school year, however, this is not the case.  As a result, there may be some delay before students will have an opportunity to have their timetable concerns addressed.

We anticipate that guidance counsellors will still be working on ensuring every student has a complete timetable even into September along with handling “new” registrations. With over 1,200 students in the building, this must be completed before students can make requests.  For this reason, we ask that students be patient and wait for further information in September, as we may not be able to respond to e-mail requests regarding timetable changes. 

All information will be posted in the Guidance Google classrooms as it becomes available including what timetable change requests will be eligible and the protocol that will be in place to address individual requests.  Students are asked to follow their timetable until such time as they are able to meet with their respective guidance counsellor. 

We recommend that over the summer, students sign into the Guidance Google Classroom for the grade that you will be in next year as all students will be removed from the current classrooms on June 30th, 2022. 

June 1/22

Preparing for the Future

Sometime in the fall or winter next year, most of our grade 12 students will be making an application to college and/or university or considering an apprenticeship for post-June 2023. This can be a stressful time for students who have not given much thought to their future. To reduce this stress, we encourage our future grade 12 students to begin their research over the summer. Students can use the links contained in SELECTED WEBSITES OF IMPORTANCE TO SATEC STUDENTS: ACADEMIC AND CAREER RELATED to start them on their journey. 

In October, the guidance team will make a post-secondary presentation to grade 12 students and in the evening on November 14 we will invite a selection of universities and colleges from the GTHA and southern Ontario to SATEC for a post-secondary information fair. Students and parents from all grades are invited to attend this fair.

Overview of TDSB Summer School Programs - 4 Options (Summer 2022)

May 5/22


The TDSB has opened registration for:

Guidance Counsellors will be able to start approving requests as of May 10th. 

Important: Ensure that you send your guidance counsellor the permission form (signed by a parent/legal guardian) that is emailed to you after you register. Once we receive this form we can change your status from registered to enrolled. Registrants cannot attend summer school unless they are enrolled so please do not forget this important step! 

Please remember that we will approve a reach ahead course so long as you have the prerequisite and you have not already chosen this course during the February course selection cycle for your day school program next year.

Please continue to check the following TDSB websites for the most up-to-date information regarding all summer credit programs.

TDSB Summer School 2022 Programming (as of May 2/22)

Registration Opens for:

Please review Overview of TDSB Summer Programs and follow the steps as outlined in Steps to Registering for a Summer School Program to ensure that you are registered and enrolled in your desired course(s) without unnecessary delay. The Summer School Registration Visuals provide step by step instructions on how to access the summer school registration portal.