Literary Essay Writing: The Annotated Bibliography 

Step 1: Finding Scholarly Resources

SEE ALSO: Research Skills and Indigenous Studies

Key terms: 

TDSB Databases:

Ms. Toal's Class - Drama Resources

The Land Acknowledgement, or As You Like It  (Cliff Cardinal) + "residential schools" or "truth and reconciliation" or "generational trauma" or colonialism

"This production contains strong language and examines mature themes, including: war and its associated violence, colonization, sexual violence, gun violence, mass murder, and suicide" (“ The Land Acknowledgement, or as You like It”).

Mustard (Kat Sandler) + "mother-daughter relationships" + "substance abuse"+ feminism + dysfunctional families +coming-of-age + reproductive rights + substance abuse  + imaginary friends

"Mustard is a comic-tragic play, that can be silly at times, but it is also about a lot of very serious and scary things, including divorce, alcoholism, suicide, mental health, teen pregnancy and growing up, which can be violent, tragic, funny, and magical all at once. At its core Mustard is a play about love: we are watching real people deal with real problems with real stakes, trying to find ways to love and be loved, and some of those people just happen to be magical" ("Theatre and Performance Presents Mustard | Arts") .

Pipeline ( Dominique Morriseau) + "school to prison pipeline" + busing and segregation + public vs private schools + family dynamics + educational inequality + racism or prejudice

"Ms. Morriseau’s work contained elements that would appeal to those interested in a variety of topics. Pipeline explored contemporary social issues such as educational inequality, prejudice and family problems. For literature fans, the playwright worked in references to poetry and classic prose to construct her story" (“Pipeline by Dominique Morisseau – South Camden Theatre Company”) 

Where the Blood Mixes (Kevin Loring) + impacts + "residential schools" + survivors + colonial or post-colonial + decolonization + racism + Indigenous theatre + Canada

 "Irreverently funny and brutally honest, Where the Blood Mixes is an extremely moving story of loss and redemption. Floyd and Mooch, raised in residential schools, must confront their personal demons when Floyd’s daughter Christine returns to Kumsheen after twenty years, to discover her past and her family. Her arrival is the catalyst that unleashes a flood of memories and secrets about a painful chapter in Canadian History. Where the Blood Mixes takes us beyond the headlines to a deeply personal story about humanity and survival " (“Where the Blood Mixes”).


How to use Google Scholar to find journal articles | Essay Tips (6:33 min.)

How to Read, Take Notes On and Understand Journal Articles (5:33 min.)

How to Paraphrase in 5 Easy Steps | Scribbr (3:55 min.)

What is evidence in literary studies?  (3:10 min.)

QUICK: What is an Annotated Bibliography (3:47 min.)

DETAILED: Annotated Bibliography Examples & How to Write an Annotation | Write Annotations for Grad School(12:58 min.)