Unit outline- Michalak 2024

Unit 4 - Climate Change


01_inuit perspectives on climate change 

Article - These 3 Super trees can protect us from climate collapse" (Vox, December 2019) 

Website: Project Drawdown - Climate Solutions Resource

video - greenhouse gas warming demonstration (3:59)

video - Why do leaves change colour and fall? (2:11)

video - The Real Reason Leaves Change Colour in the Fall (Minute Earth, 2:29)

Global Windmap:

The En-ROADS Climate Interactive 

Let's Talk Science Biofuels literacy 

Bill Nye: 5 Stages of Climate Grief , accompanying worksheet

Online calculator- figure out what score you need on the culminating to obtain your your goal of a final mark

01_inuit perspectives on climate change 

1. Introduction – Climate Change: Weather vs. Climate

Video Lesson - Introduction to Climate Change - What's the difference between weather and climate? (9:03)

Big Questions Brainstorm Activity – What do you know about climate change?

What's the difference between weather and climate? - ppt

Climate Change Misconceptions - Stephen Colbert

Video - Weather vs. Climate (National Geographic, 2:09)

Video - Global Warming 101 (National Geographic, 3:03)

Weather and Climate - student worksheet

Weather and Climate - teacher

Weather and Climate Review - powerpoint

video - Futurama - Climate Change

video - Climate Factors - LOWERN

Food waste

319-321, 323, 328-329

2. Lesson: Principal components of the Earth’s climate system

Video Lesson - Learning to read a climatograph, Earth's climate components (18:23)

Toronto Climate - Learning to read a Climatograph - powerpoint lesson

Earth's Climate Components and Seasons - powerpoint lesson

Video - Why do we have different seasons? (California Academy of Sciences, 3:16)

Video - Ocean Currents and Climate (National Geographic, 2:33)

Video - Bang Goes the Theory - solar furnace (1:43)

Why do we have seasons? The effects of the Earth’s rotation, revolution and tilt

Earth Climate Components - worksheet and notes

Arctic Midnight Sun(2:16)

Winter Solstice in Fairbanks Alaska(2:05)

video - Bill Nye explains the seasons (4:45)

Assignment: Making Climatographs – average temperature and precipitation in Toronto over 150 years

Climatograph assignment, analysis questions


3.  Energy Transfer and the Earth’s Energy Balance

Modes of energy transfer: radiation, conduction, convection 

Concepts and terms: electromagnetic radiation, albedo, heat sink;

Video Lesson - Earth's Energy Balance and Methods of Energy Transfer (14:58)

Earth's Energy Balance and Methods of Energy Transfer - powerpoint lesson

Earth's Energy Balance Homework Questions - powerpoint 

Video - Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation (Mike Sammartano - 4:26)

Video - What is Albedo? (CSHubMIT, 3:02)

Video - Fire Water Balloon - conduction and heat capacity (Sick Science, 3:06)

Video - Convection currents (3:04)

Video - Gas convection current demonstration (3:26)

Earth's Energy Balance notes - powerpoint

Earth's Energy Balance student

Earth's Energy Balance - teacher

Earth's Energy Balance - homework solutions - powerpoint

Demonstrations: radiation, conduction, convection

video - Misconceptions about temperature (Veritasium, 3:58)


4. The Earth’s Atmosphere – composition, importance for living things, atmospheric circulation, atmospheric layers. Textbook pages

Energy Balance Review Multiple Choice

The Atmosphere - powerpoint lesson

video_The Sacred Balance: An astronaut's view of the earth (CBC, 2:32)

video - Reveal Earth's Atmosphere (National Geographic, 4:56)

video - (Why is 350 so important?)  (, 1:37)

Atmospheric Pressure Activities!

Video - Why does the water rise? (Candle and water activity) (Sick Science, 1:04)

Video - How to crush a can with air pressure  (Sick Science, 0:59)

Video - How to get an egg into a bottle (Sick Science, 3:57)

Video - Mythbusters crushing a tanker car (4:31)

video - atmospheric pressure crushing a container (Veritasium, 5:00)

The Atmosphere - student 

The Atmosphere - teacher

Demonstrations: atmospheric pressure

Worksheet: The Hydrosphere

The Hydrosphere worksheet

The Hydrosphere worksheet - solutions

330-334, 344-345

5. Activity: Quick Lab - Investigating Albedo

Quick Lab: Investigating Albedo

6. The Greenhouse Effect (Natural and Anthropogenic) – anthropogenic (definition), Natural greenhouse Effect, Anthropogenic/Enhanced Greenhouse Effect, sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs)

Greenhouse Gases, The Natural and Anthropogenic Greenhouse Effect - powerpoint lesson

Greenhouse Gas student note

Video - PBS What's up with the weather - CO2, Keeling Curve, Greenhouse Effect (10 minutes)

Video - How do Greenhouse Gases actually work? (Minute Earth, 3:08)

PhET simulation - The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect ppt

The Greenhouse Effect - worksheet

PFTBA GHG article from U of T

PFTBA GHG article - questions, solutions

338-342, 384-389

7.  Long and Short-term Changes in Climate

Plate tectonics, interglacial periods and ice ages, volcanic eruptions, solar radiation cycles, air and ocean currents

Long and Short-term Cycles in Climate - powerpoint lesson

Interactive - Milankovitch Cycles in Ice Ages  (McGraw-Hill)

Interactive - Milankovitch Cycles (University of Wisconsin)

Video - Minute Earth - Plate Tectonics (2:36)

Video - El Nino - What is it? (4 minutes)

Long and Short-term Changes in Climate - student

Long and Short-term Changes in Climate - teacher


Ice ages and Astronomy

Ice ages and Astronomy Solutions

Quiz- Quiz Trade Game

8.  Studying Clues to Past Climate

Studying Clues to Past Climate - powerpoint lesson

Video - National Science Foundation - ice cores and climate change (5 minutes)

Tree ring simulation interactive

Proxy records, ice cores, tree rings, coral reefs, rock and ocean sediment

Studying clues to past climate examples - ppt

Studying clues to past climates - teacher

Studying clues to past climates - student

Climate and Tree Growth Quick Lab

Quick lab - Climate and tree growth

Qick lab - Climate and tree growth - solutions


9. Lesson: Evidence of a Changing Climate

Evidence for Climate Change - powerpoint lesson

video - What is coral bleaching? (TIME, 1:37)

video - Climate Change Facts  (CNN, 2:24 minutes)

video - National Geographic - Coral Bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef (3 minutes)

Rising temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, changes in severe weather, changes in precipitation patterns, changes in ecosystems;

Evidence for Climate Change - student

Evidence for Climate Change - teacher

Graphing the Evidence Assignment:

Graphing the Evidence pen and paper

Activity - Graphing the Evidence - questions


10. Design Lab – Preserving Habitat

10_Climate Change Inquiry Lab.doc

11.  Feedback Loops and Climate

Feedback Loops and Climate Change - powerpoint lesson

video - Why the Arctic is climate change's canary in the coal mine (TED-ED, 3:58)

video - 120 seconds of science - What is the ice albedo feedback? (2 minutes)

video - What is the Ice-Albedo feedback? (Geobus St. Andrews, 1:19)

Activity: Warming the Arctic Feedback Loop

Feedback Loops - student

Feedback Loops and Climate Change - teacher

355-357, 388-389, 393-395

12. Effects of Climate Change

video: National Geographic - Climate Change Impacts (3 minutes)

Effects of Climate Change - powerpoint lesson

Effects of Climate Change - student

Effects of Climate Change - teacher

Effect of Climate Change Jigsaw

412-416, 419-422

13. Taking Action on Climate – Summary and Discussion, Review Package

video - The Paris Agreement (3:30)

video - Global News - How Carbon Pricing works (4:45)

video - How these youth climate activists are changing the future (Now This News, 4:58)

video - Climate Justice Now (Ben and Jerry's, 2:02)

video - Youth and Climate: Tonyisha, Climate Justice and Air Pollution in Illinois (Alliance for Climate Education, 2:48)

Video - Climate change: The worst foods for the planet (Vox, 4:37)

Video - What is a carbon footprint? (2 minutes)

Ecological Footprint Calculator worksheet (for use with Islandwood Ecological Footprint Calculator)

Carbon Footprint Calculator - Global Footprint Network (does not work on mobile devices)

Canadian Geographic - How big are your carbon feet?

Bill Nye and the Stages of Climate Grief

Taking Action on Climate  student and teacher 

Taking Action on Climate: Government and individuals - student and teacher

423-428, 429-432

14. Review 

Climate Change Unit Review  

Climate Project (new)

Extra Videos to watch

Video - DNews - What is the Paris Accord?

Video - USA EPA - Climate Change Basics

Review Quizzes!

Earth's Energy Balance - Review Quiz

The Atmosphere and Hydrosphere - Review Quiz

The Greenhouse Effect - Review Quiz

Long-term and Short-term Changes in Climate - Review Quiz


15. Unit Test

Formative Assessment:

worksheets, notes, readings, review packages, tree ring activity

Summative Assessment: