Week 3 April 20


Here is a link to the grade 3 textbook, if you want you can download the textbook and have it to use. https://sites.google.com/a/mytools2go.ca/mrs-hadland-s-room/math-text-book

Happy Monday, today your work will be from the text book, look at the EXPLORE, then to the SHOW AND SHARE and the CONNECT, and lastly Practice. Once you have complete all the question take a picture and submit to your teacher please number you answer so we know how to connect the answer with the question.


Happy Monday, today your work will be from the text book, look at the EXPLORE, then to the SHOW AND SHARE and the CONNECT, and lastly Pratice. Once you have complete all the question take a picture and submit to your teacher please number you answer so we know how to connect the answer with the question.


Please visit your epic account and do the assigned work under quiz and complete the addition and subtraction. Once you have read and solve the problems, take a photo and submit it to your teacher. Having trouble? Have questions, feel free to contact your teacher through email.


Complete the work in google form and submit to your teacher.


Play the following activity on the left, with a family member or sibling. If that is not an option, you can work on the worksheet. Visit Epic for more intersting read on addition and substraction and share with teacher.