Pathways To Success IPP

Individual Pathway Plan

The Individual Pathway Plan is a component of Creating Pathways to Success, the new Education and Career/Life Planning Program for all Ontario students (grades K-12). All students in grades 7-12 will develop an Individual Pathway Plan (IPP) that they will review and revise at least twice each year. It is very much a living document and will change in real time as students engage in the four question inquiry framework below:

Who am I?

How would I describe myself right now (strengths, interests, values)?

How can I connect who I am to the choices I make?

What are my opportunities?

What opportunities should I try while I’m in school?

Who do I want to become?

What are my goals now and for the near future?

Where can I find information about my initial post-secondary destination?

What is my plan for achieving my goals?

How do I develop and review my plan?

Who can support me in achieving my goals?

The ongoing development of the IPP provides students with a valuable archive of their learning and with resources that can assist them with their planning. It helps students identify their interests and strengths; explore opportunities; make meaningful decisions; and set goals for the future. Parents and teachers are an important part of this student-led process.

As students move through school and life, they will make many choices about their education and career/life plans. Students will establish and maintain their Individual Pathway Plan (IPP), documenting what they continue to learn about themselves; the opportunities available to them; their goals; and how they plan to achieve them. Each school will have a process in place to support students in completing the IPP expectations appropriate to their grade level.