Forms and Documents

All permission forms are paperless now.

The TDSB uses a system called EMA (Excursion Management System). When a sports team plays against other schools or leaves school property to train the parents needs to log into the EMA system and approve their child's participation. After you approve the try outs, the system may email you about future game dates or event changes. 

If events are happening off school property, then information about the event will also be emailed to you from Mr. Sykes. You still need to log into EMA to approve

How to log in and use EMA

The TDSB has created a information page about how to use ema and I have posted it below


using a laptop, below are the steps I use to sign up for team sports:

EXTRA Quick tips: 

- Use your child's student number...The one they use for TDSB computers, not the number on the report card

- Use a computer not a smartphone or tablet

- Use google Chrome

- Make sure you are logged out from your last visit and your browser is refreshed

- Clear the Cache on your browser


EMA for Parents_Guardians Login Guide.pdf