Outdoor education

with Danny Divito

Booking with Danny? Check the links below for more info on scheduling, programs and resources!

What are the learning objectives for your class? Browse through some programs here, or collaborate with Danny to create a program suited for your classes needs.

About me

I am an Outdoor Educator with the TDSB working currently at the Sheldon Centre for Outdoor Education. Since 2009 I have worked for the Peel, Durham, and PVNCCDSB school boards in outdoor education as well as classroom teaching roles from K-12. My prior jobs include; Botanist with the MNR, GRCA as a water quality analyst. I am not related to the famous actor Danny DeVito, but hopefully I can be a celebrity in your class.

A canoe I made from scratch. Wood is from Emerald Ash Borer impacted wood I milled myself.

" I am not related to the famous actor Danny DeVito,

but hopefully I can be a celebrity in your class. "

My Teacher Candidate leading in some Outdoor Education

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