"In 1957 Thistletown Hospital was set up as a treatment and teaching hospital..." to provide for the mental health needs of children. When setting up the hospital, it was decided that they wanted "a professional who regarded the ward not as a quiet place where children knew what they should do and what they shouldn't do, but a place where children could enjoy themselves, where they could find things to do that would interest them. Normal activities of living were what was thought should form the basis of treatment. This was integral to the conception of the future child care worker. "

Gilmour-Barrett, K., & Pratt, S. (1977). A new profession, in Shamsie, J., (Ed.) Experience & Experiment, p. 69 - 91.

Did you know that Child and Youth Care Practitioners can be found working around the globe?

Child and Youth Care Practitioners (CYCP) can be found working with young people in many countries, such as, South Africa, Zambia, Australia and Scotland. During the first week of May, we celebrate International Child and Youth Care week!

Students 12 to 18 years of age may sign their own consent without parental involvement if in the Child and Youth Counsellor's judgment, the student is capable of giving informed consent and if obtaining parental consent may cause emotional harm.

Criteria to determine "capable" (to sign consent):

• The student is able to understand the information related to making the decision.

• The student can appreciate the consequences of making such a decision.

• The student understands the benefits and risk of receiving the service.

Did you know there are Child and Youth Services staff in every high school?

You can find a Child and Youth Services (CYS) staff person in every high school in the TDSB. Some support individual students and their needs, others support the larger school community. All are available to provide student with support to be successful.

All information shared with Child and Youth Services (CYS) staff is confidential except if a threat of harm to self or others is made, if there is a report of abuse, or if there is behaviour reported that could lead to a suspension or an expulsion.

Did you know that we use a lot of acronyms (CYW, CYC, CYS, CYCP)?

Sometimes it seems like we are all just talking in acronyms! Here is the explanation for some of these most commonly used in the TDSB.

CYW - Child and Youth Worker

CYC - Child and Youth Counsellor or Child and Youth Care

CCW - Child Care Worker

CYS - Child and Youth Services

CYCP - Child and Youth Care Practitioner

CYC-P - Child and Youth Care Practitioner Certified

Child and Youth Care practice is built on a foundational belief that change occurs when connections are made with children and youth through the safety of reciprocal relationships and the acknowledgement of the young person's strengths.

Did you know that Child and Youth Services staff at the TDSB have earned an Advanced Diploma or Undergraduate Degree?

Child and Youth Care Practitioners (CYCP) study a number of topics related to child development and using everyday life events to build relationships of safety. They complete up to three student placements where they work alongside young people in a variety of settings, including schools. Many of our staff members are also members of the Ontario Association of Child and Youth Care.

Life space refers to the spaces where we live our lives. The life space can include the home, community, school, work, online spaces and any other spaces where young people are living their lives. This space is where Child and Youth Care work occurs. It involves using daily life events to support young people to feel safe to explore new possibilities in their lives.

Did you know that Child and Youth Services staff make up the largest group of professionals within the Professional Support Services Department in the TDSB?

There are over 500 Child and Youth Services Staff at the TDSB. Child and Youth Services staff have been working at the TDSB for over 30 years under various titles.